1. Call to order:
2. Introductions:
3. Adjustments to Agenda:
4. Communications and Public Comments:
5. Review and approve minutes from August 2, August 16, September 6 (Action needed)
6. Reports (informational, no action)
a. Superintendents
b. Finance
5. Old Business for Discussion/Action: (no action needed, all information)
a. Review of Bylaws, Board Guidelines and Open Meeting Law
b. Review of ESSER/ART Grants and Expenditures
c. Superintendent’s Goals and Evaluation Process
6. New Business for Discussion/Action:
a. VSBA Membership (action needed)
b. Bus-related Request from Compass School (anticipated action)
c. Review and Approval Policies: (action needed)
F3 Fire and Emergency Preparedness Drills (warned 6/28/23)
F4 Access Control and Visitor Management (warned 6/28/23)
F26 Security Cameras (warned 6/28/23)
d. Appointments/Resignations, if any
e. Agenda Suggestions for Upcoming Meetings (discussion)
7. Director’s Comments:
8. Date and time of next meeting: Regular Board Meeting, October 18, 6pm
9. Adjournment

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January 5, 2024In WNESU

WNESU School Board Dec. 18th 2024

School Board – Windham Northeast Supervisory…

Windham Northeast Supervisory Union Meeting: November 20, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call to order: 2. Introductions: 3.…