The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by BF Village President Obuchowski
Approve Minutes of May 30,2023: P Golec made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Motion was
seconded by Dunbar and passed unanimously.
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters and/or Pressing Matters that will require
ratification at a future meeting: Agenda item number 9 added.
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person: Carol Blackwood spoke briefly
about the library.
Manager’s Report: Pickup told the tri-board that highway is trying to finish up summer projects. The
sidewalks on Pine Street will be completed by the end of the month. Paving will also be wrapping up as
the plants close around Thanksgiving.
1. Presentation by Kati Gallagher Sustainable Communities Program Director: She gave the board a
presentation about walkability in the villages in Rockingham and what it does for the community.
2. Walk/Bike Committee Update: Marsha Stern, chairperson of the committee was present and gave
an overview of what the committee does.
3. Proposed Revisions to Personnel Policies and Procedures: Pickup said that Human Resource
Manager Hitchcock has been working on updating the policy. It will be a work in process and when
we have a finished product it will be brought back to the boards.
4. Fire Department Financial Feasibility Study Update: The departments had their Kick-Off meeting
and all three departments are working directly with the Municipal Manager to put their bid into a
format that is necessary so the consultants can do their analysis. The next step will be site visits to
all three departments.
5. Updated Bridge Replacement Information: The board was given the most current information
about the three bridges in Bellows Falls that need attention and a timeline for making or starting
repairs and replacement.
6. Update ARPA Projects: The boards had made lists of the projects they each wanted to fund and
have started the implementation process. Pickup’s suggestion is to complete the current list of
projects and see what is left after that.
7. Request for Use of Waypoint Center: An application was received along with a fee waiver request
from Bellows Falls Pride. Golec read the policy and it states that there shall be no waivers and
authorized the Municipal Manager to sign the application for approval of use with a fee.
8. Banner Application: Bellows Falls Pride would also like to hang a banner in the village from
October 2- October 16. After a brief discussion, Dunbar made a motion to allow the banner with
the caveat that if the Fire Department wants to hang a banner for Fire Prevention, that will take
precedent and the pride banner will be hung from October 2- October 8. Motion was seconded by
Masure and passed unanimously.
9. Town Meeting Survey: R Cowan and B North would like to send out a survey with a list of about
10 questions to try to get the participation larger at Town Meeting. North read the list of
questions and nothing was decided at the meeting, but the Selectboard will bring it up again at a
future meeting.
Review Agenda Items for Next Meeting November 28,2023:
➢ Fire Feasibility
➢ Tax Sale
➢ Cemetery Committee
Approve Orders, Bills and Warrants: These are for Selectboard and BF Trustees as Saxtons River has their
own. Dunbar made the motion for the Trustees to approve, and Masure seconded. The motion passed
unanimously. Cowan made the motion for the Selectboard and North seconded. Motion passed
Other Business: None
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Golec at 8:04 pm and seconded by
Dunbar. Motion passed Unanimously.
Attest: ______________________
Kathleen Neathawk, Town and Village Clerk
Posted on 10/9/23
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AGENDA Call to Order Approve the Minutes…


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