6:30 1. Call the meeting to order
6:31 2. Any changes to the agenda
6:35 3. Members of the public
A. Scheduled members - 10 minutes on requested topic
B. Unscheduled members - 5 minutes on agenda items only
6:45 4. Review and approve minutes
A. Regular meeting minutes - August 16, 2023
B. Special FEMA Recovery & Scope minutes - August 29, 2023
6:50 5. Pay orders
A. Accounts payable Warrant
B. Payroll Warrant
7:00 6. Reports and Updates
A. Highway Supervisor - E. Mark Bills
I. completed projects
Ii. planned projects
Iii. TBD
B. 911 coordinator - P. Madalinski
I. Newly assigned addresses
C. Highway Grants & Contracts - S. Noga
I. Grants in Aid project
Ii. BMH Foundation Contract - signed
Add vapor barrier not to exceed $300
Amended cost - increase of $3000
$10,000.00 deposit requested
Iii. MTAP program - Discussion/vote
Iv. Other contracts
D. Building Commissioner - B. Mello
I. Daycare
Ii. Brookline Meeting House
E. Energy Committee - B. Mello
I. MERP update
Ii. Accepting the resignation of Chair as of Sept 6, 2023
Iii. Appointment of new chair- Vote
Iv. Next meeting
F. Planning Commission - S. Zwick
I. Meeting dates
G. Selectboard Chair Report - D. Maggio
I. FEMA Disaster 4621 from 2021 & FEMA Disaster 4720
from 2023 Summary
Iii. Hazard Mitigation w/ WRC 1 PM Sept 7th at TH
Iii. Green Up - Clean Up Day - Sept 9, 2023
Iv. Banking Concerns-Discussion
V. Security Discussion
Vi. Round schoolhouse plaque is up and garden is ready
for planting.
H. Any other topic / discussion from selectboard members
that does not require a vote.
8:00 7. New Business
A. Appointments to the Planning Commission
Position 1 - __________________________
Motion - Seconded - Discussion - Vote or Table
Position 2 - ___________________________
Motion - Seconded - Discussion - Vote or Table
B. Appointment to the energy Committee
Position 1 - ____________________________
Motion, seconded, discussion, vote - table
Position 2 - ____________________________
Motion, seconded, discussion, vote - table
C. Appointment to the Hazard Mitigation Committee
Position 1 - ____________________________
Motion, seconded, discussion, vote - table
Position 2 - _____________________________
Motion, seconded, discussion, vote - table
D. Painting RFP for Brookline Meeting House
Review RFP - B. Mello
Motion, seconded, discussion, vote - table
E. Resident request to study the safety of walkers and bikers
on Grassy Brook Road - specifically at the bends along the
river between Harris Hill / Dutton Farm driveway and the Red
House on the West River.
F. Discuss the use of the budget stabilization fund vs capital
improvement fund for expenses for building
G. Review and approve RFP for Winter Plowing & Sanding
1 year and 2 year option.
Motion, seconded, discussion, vote - table
H. Review and approve RFP for Winter Sand
1 year and 2 year option
Motion, seconded, discussion, vote - table
8:30 8) Unfinished Business
A. Follow up on Consideration of purchasing a town Truck
I. Discussion of options on what and how to purchase
Ii. Possible vote
Motion, seconded, discussion, vote - table
B. Follow up on Consideration of a loan in anticipation of taxes
Ii. possible vote
8:40 9) Communications
A. Email
Tom Clynes - offering help
Dan Towler - Knotweed
Alyssa Schmidt - knotweed
MTAP - Yes or No reply requested
Jay Wilson - re: DMI paving & LOGIX solar signs
B. Regular Mail
8:45 10) Set agenda for the next meeting - September 20, 2023
A. Inner Fire Annual Review
B. Winter Plow Bid RFP awarded
C. Winter Sand Bid RFP awarded
8:55 11) Adjourn the meeting

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January 16, 2024In Brookline Selectboard

Town of Brookeline Select Board Meeting: October 2nd, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order 6:31 2. Review…

Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: September 18, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order 2.…

Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Selectboard Meeting: Town of Brookline VT: August 7, 2024

AGENDA 6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A.…