4:30 1. Call the meeting to order
Take attendance
4:35 2. Members of the public
Scheduled members-none at this time
Unscheduled members-5 minutes on agenda items only
4:40 3. Changes to the agenda
4:45 4. Business to be conducted / voted on
A. Set tax rate
Motion - seconded -discussion - vote
B. Discuss ARPA Fund -
Those funds that were obligated by April 30, 2023
Those funds previously discussed for obligating by April 2024
Those funds available for obligation at this time
C. Discuss FEMA progress
Approximately -$165K outstanding reimbursement due
RFP Bid awarded for Fema repairs this summer - $17K Paving
RFP Bid awarded for FEMA repairs this summer - $17.3K Culverts
To Do List - In house FEMA repairs on Holland Hill by town
Three 24 inch culverts (at town yard)
2 precast culvert headers @ $512 each plus delivery
42 yards of 1.5 inch crushed gravel at $28.99 per yard delivered
8 inch sized ditch stone for 403 feet length
12 hrs excavator work
18 hrs of 14 yard dump truck for placing material
To Do List - In house FEMA repairs on Bennett Road
Improve inlet head walls on culverts 13 and 14
Add road surface material and crown road where washed out
Add 12 inch block sized riprap on outlet ends of each culvert
Materials : 16 yards of 12 inch riprap
16 hours of excavator work with 16 hrs labor
6 inches of 1.5 inch crushed gravel for approx 700 feet
12 feet wide with crown to shed water
To Do List - not FEMA
Harris Hill erosion / ditch repair noted in 2022 and continues to
Other unanticipated storm related damage from
July 7 to July 11 2023
Quick Review of 2023-24 Road Budget
Note:Budget line item - FEMA $30K
Budget line item - FEMA $40K
Brief discussion to review the minutes re: FEMA funds brought
up at Town Meeting
D. Review & discuss $110,000.00 loan and payment
requirements/schedules for Municipal Loan - Application made
and approved by the State for the purchase of the wheeled
excavator over a 5 year period.
E. Review & discuss $172,000 loan and payment
requirement/schedule from Alta. Requires Town Meeting
F. Review & Discuss getting a loan in anticipation of taxes for
FEMA work projects
G. Shall the town of Brookline hold a town meeting to vote on a
loan for the wheeled excavator?
Motion - seconded - discussion - Vote
H. Shall the town of Brookline agree to sign the Promissory Note and
Security Agreement provided to us by the Treasurer of the State of
Vermont for $110,000.00 with interest on the unpaid balance at the
rate of 2% per annum payable in five annual installments?
Motion, seconded, discussion, Vote
I. Shall the town agree to appropriate ARPA funds towards the
excavator purchase?
Motion - seconded - discussion - vote
J. Shall the town agree to appropriate rainy day fund monies
towards the excavator purchase?
Motion - seconded - discussion -vote
K. Shall the town apply rental income from the daycare building not
spent in 2022/23 FY towards excavators?
Motion - seconded - discussion - vote
L. Any other motions regarding the purchase of the wheeled
excavator currently being rented.
Motion - seconded - discussion - vote
M. Shall the Town of Brookline seek a loan in anticipation of Taxes for
the FEMA related storm repairs yet to be completed?
Motion - seconded - discussion - Vote
N. Any other discussions not requiring a vote by the selectboard.
6:00 5) Adjourn Special Meeting

Make a donation

January 16, 2024In Brookline Selectboard

Town of Rockingham Selectboard Meeting October, 1st, 2024

AGENDA Call to Order Approve the Minutes…


AGENDA Agenda: Posted September 13, 2024 Tuesday…

Rockingham Selectboard: August 13, 2024

AGENDA Call to Order Approve the Minutes July 23,…

4:30 1. Call the meeting to order
Take attendance
4:35 2. Members of the public
Scheduled members-none at this time
Unscheduled members-5 minutes on agenda items only
4:40 3. Changes to the agenda
4:45 4. Business to be conducted / voted on
A. Set tax rate
Motion - seconded -discussion - vote
B. Discuss ARPA Fund -
Those funds that were obligated by April 30, 2023
Those funds previously discussed for obligating by April 2024
Those funds available for obligation at this time
C. Discuss FEMA progress
Approximately -$165K outstanding reimbursement due
RFP Bid awarded for Fema repairs this summer - $17K Paving
RFP Bid awarded for FEMA repairs this summer - $17.3K Culverts
To Do List - In house FEMA repairs on Holland Hill by town
Three 24 inch culverts (at town yard)
2 precast culvert headers @ $512 each plus delivery
42 yards of 1.5 inch crushed gravel at $28.99 per yard delivered
8 inch sized ditch stone for 403 feet length
12 hrs excavator work
18 hrs of 14 yard dump truck for placing material
To Do List - In house FEMA repairs on Bennett Road
Improve inlet head walls on culverts 13 and 14
Add road surface material and crown road where washed out
Add 12 inch block sized riprap on outlet ends of each culvert
Materials : 16 yards of 12 inch riprap
16 hours of excavator work with 16 hrs labor
6 inches of 1.5 inch crushed gravel for approx 700 feet
12 feet wide with crown to shed water
To Do List - not FEMA
Harris Hill erosion / ditch repair noted in 2022 and continues to
Other unanticipated storm related damage from
July 7 to July 11 2023
Quick Review of 2023-24 Road Budget
Note:Budget line item - FEMA $30K
Budget line item - FEMA $40K
Brief discussion to review the minutes re: FEMA funds brought
up at Town Meeting
D. Review & discuss $110,000.00 loan and payment
requirements/schedules for Municipal Loan - Application made
and approved by the State for the purchase of the wheeled
excavator over a 5 year period.
E. Review & discuss $172,000 loan and payment
requirement/schedule from Alta. Requires Town Meeting
F. Review & Discuss getting a loan in anticipation of taxes for
FEMA work projects
G. Shall the town of Brookline hold a town meeting to vote on a
loan for the wheeled excavator?
Motion - seconded - discussion - Vote
H. Shall the town of Brookline agree to sign the Promissory Note and
Security Agreement provided to us by the Treasurer of the State of
Vermont for $110,000.00 with interest on the unpaid balance at the
rate of 2% per annum payable in five annual installments?
Motion, seconded, discussion, Vote
I. Shall the town agree to appropriate ARPA funds towards the
excavator purchase?
Motion - seconded - discussion - vote
J. Shall the town agree to appropriate rainy day fund monies
towards the excavator purchase?
Motion - seconded - discussion -vote
K. Shall the town apply rental income from the daycare building not
spent in 2022/23 FY towards excavators?
Motion - seconded - discussion - vote
L. Any other motions regarding the purchase of the wheeled
excavator currently being rented.
Motion - seconded - discussion - vote
M. Shall the Town of Brookline seek a loan in anticipation of Taxes for
the FEMA related storm repairs yet to be completed?
Motion - seconded - discussion - Vote
N. Any other discussions not requiring a vote by the selectboard.
6:00 5) Adjourn Special Meeting

Make a donation

January 16, 2024In Brookline Selectboard

Town of Brookeline Select Board Meeting: October 2nd, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order 6:31 2. Review…

Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: September 18, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order 2.…

Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Selectboard Meeting: Town of Brookline VT: August 7, 2024

AGENDA 6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A.…