6:30 1. Call meeting to order
6:31 2. Any changes to agenda
6:35 3. Members of the public
A. Scheduled - 10 minutes on requested topic
1-Marjorie Rae - Website
2-Possible RFP Bid companies for Putney Mountain Road FEMA work
B. Unscheduled - 5 minutes on agenda items only
6:45 4. Review / Approve Draft Minutes
A. Regular minutes from June 21, 2024
6:50 5. Pay Orders
A. Payroll Warrant
B. Accounts Payable Warrant
6:55 6. New Business
A. Open sealed bids for RFP work on Putney Mountain Road - FEMA
B. MTAP Program meeting with Chris Campany of Windham Regional
Discuss possible participation and vote on this program for Brookline
Material emailed to SB members
C. Options for financing the 4 wheeled excavator currently being rented
Discussion / Vote
D. Consideration for developing a policy for when we receive requests
to borrow tables and chairs, or use any town building such as for a
wedding ceremony.
E. Bloom Enterprises LLC Contract as Vendor & Non employee work
agreement to be reviewed and voted upon for signatures.
F. Townshend Water Testing LLC Contract as Vendor & non employee work
agreement to be reviewed and voted upon for signatures.
G. Consideration / Discussion on Town Wide Reappraisal Schedule
7:45 7. Unfinished Business
A. LEMP - Review and Adopt Local Emergency Management Plan
B. Daycare Concerns - re: broken pipe and aftermath issues
C. Town of Brookline Website - loss of support November 2023
Discuss options. Review proposal from sent via email attachment
D. Follow Up on Brookline Meeting House Foundation Project / Contract
E. Fundraising Guideline Policy - Revised - sent by email in advance
Discussion / vote to implement
F. ARPA funds remaining - Discussion / Review / Plans
G. FEMA - Storm 4621 July 21, 2021 - Discussion about expected
reimbursement less 10% . Also To Do List
Zoom meeting Reminder with FEMA Project Managers
10:00 am to 10:30 AM on Thursday July 6 w/ Project manager et al.
8:20 8. Reports and Updates
A. Building Commissioner - B. Mello
B. Highway Grants / Contracts - S. Noga
C. Energy Committee Report - B. Mello
D. 911 Update - P. Madalinski
E. Town Clerk Report - G. Tanza
F. Selectboard Chair Report - D. Maggio
G. Any other topics / discussions from selectboard members that do
not require a vote.
8:40 9. Communications
A. Email
B. Regular Mail
8:45 10. Set Agenda for next meeting on July 19
8:50 11. Executive Session if warranted
Specific motions required
9:00 12. Adjourn the meeting

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January 16, 2024In Brookline Selectboard

Town of Brookeline Select Board Meeting: October 2nd, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order 6:31 2. Review…

Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: September 18, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order 2.…

Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Selectboard Meeting: Town of Brookline VT: August 7, 2024

AGENDA 6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A.…