1. Call to Order – 5:30 PM
2. Consideration of Meeting Minutes
A. Regular Meeting of September 27, 2023
B. Nonpublic Meeting of September 27, 2023
C. Nonpublic Meeting #3 of September 13, 2023
3. Consent Agenda
A. Payroll Manifest
B. Payables Manifest
C. Veterans Credit Application
D. Town of Swanzey Allowable Levels of Assistance
E. Revision to August 2, 2023 Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes
F. Raffle Permit #2023-15 – Cheshire County Republican Committee
G. Raffle Permit #2023-14 – Jack & Jill Cooperative Nursery School
H. Special Event Permit #2023-20 – Wedding at Frogg Brewery
I. Personnel Action Reports
4. Public Input
5. Appointments
A. 5:35 Mike Guitard Frogg Brewing – Interest in Purchasing Map 217 Lot 9
B. 5:45 Peter Delaney – Storm Damage of Brown Lane
6. Consideration of New Business
A. 2024 Budget Overview
B. 2023 MS 434 – Updated Revenues
C. August Expenditure & Revenue Report
7. Consideration of Old Business
A. Virtual Power Purchase Agreement
Agenda items and times are tentative and subject to change – they are provided for informational purposes only
8. Administrative Update
9. Correspondence
10. Non-public session(s) per RSA 91-A:3II(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public
employee or the disciplining of such employee
11. Possible non-public sessions as needed
12. Adjournment

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Swanzey Planning Board: September 12th, 2024

1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes A. August…

Swanzey Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting: August 19, 2024

AGENDA 1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes a.…

Swanzey Select Board: August 28th, 2024

1. Call to Order – 5:30 PM 2. Consideration of…

Swanzey Planning Board: August 22rd, 2024

1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes A. August…