Meeting of Westminster School Board: September 5, 2024

1. Call to order
2. Introductions
3. Adjustments to Agenda
4. Communications and Public Comments
5. Review and Approve Minutes from August 1, 2024
6. Reports: (informational)
a. Finance Director
b. Principal
1. Class Size Information
7. New Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Resignation – Art Teacher
8. Old/Unfinished Business for Information/Discussion/Action:
a. Building Updates (informational)
9. Director’s Comments
10. Date and time of next meeting: Thursday, October 3, 2024
11. Adjournment

Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

1. Call the meeting to order
A. Introductions
2. Review / Approve Draft Minutes
A. Regular Meeting Wednesday August 21, 2024 minutes
B. Special Meeting Thursday August 29, 2024 minutes
3. Changes to the agenda if any
4. Members of the Public
A. Scheduled members of the public on their requested topic.
5 minutes unless otherwise noted.
B. Unscheduled members of the public on agenda items only. 2 minutes
5. New Business
A. ACTION: Application for Request to Cater Permit License has been
submitted to the Vermont Department of LIquor and LLottery , Division of Liquor
Control (DLC) for serving Alcohol at the Dutton Wedding located at 872 Grassy
Brook Road – Application # 47719. SB Action needed to be recorded by the
Town Clerk in the DLL Portal.
B. ACTION: SB authorizing and instructing the Planning Committee to elect
a chair for the committee.
6. Unfinished Business
ACTION = Motion / Seconded / Discussion / Vote or Table
1. Nominations for new appointments – ACTION
A. Windham Regional Commission
B. Planning Commission
C. Flood Plains Administrator
7. Reports & Updates
A. Highway Supervisor – E. Mark Bills
B. Grants – S. Noga
C. Finance – M. Desocio
D. Building Commissioner – B. Mello
1. Summary of Q & A Zoom with authors of the BMH
Mold/Moisture report.
2. September 9 meeting w/ BMH Committee to discuss next steps
3. Plumbing needs at SLP Daycare
E. Selectboard Chair – D. Maggio
1. Stray Dog / Bears at large
2. Reappraisal has started
3. Aug 31 – jogger bitten by dog
4. Meeting w/ BMH on Sept 9
5. Agendas need to be posted at three locations 48 hrs in
advance of any regular meeting.
6. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan has been successfully received
by VEM for their review.
7. Culvert replacement List
8. Review communications/emails below
F. Any other discussion as requested by a selectboard member not
requiring a vote.
8. Warrants
A. Payroll Warrant for period ending
B. Accounts Payable warrant
9. Communications
A. Regular Mail
1. Reappraisal Postcard
2. FEMA reimbursement checks received for 2021
B. Email
1. Margo Ghia – RE: no MERP funding beyond initial
$4000.00 grant for education.
2. Margo Ghia – WRC – RE: Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
has successfully been received by VEM for their review –
August 26th
3. DLL Application # 47719 for Dutton Wedding
4. Town Forrest Census Email received from TC on 8/29 due 8/30
5. ENDYNE Inc. Nitrate water testing at Daycare
6. Request to identify a chair of the Brookline Planning Committee
7. Request from Townshend SB Assistant to answer questions
on the following topics: Website development/management,
Computer IT services, laptop use by SB members, Grant writing,
transfer station, Equipment Depreciation and maintenance
schedules, Law enforcement
8. Declaration of inclusion Initiative Survey – completed
9. New Grant for Hazardous Tree removal – information received
10. Set Agenda for next meeting – Wednesday September 18, 2024 (DM absent)
A. ACTION: Open Bids for Winter Snow Plowing for Brookline
B. ACTION: Open Bids for Winter Sand for Brookline Roads
C. River Corridors discussion
D. BMH Update
E. To Be Determined
11. Adjourn the meeting


1. Confirm adoption of change in Agenda (8-13-24 meeting)
2. Public Hearing: Town Plan Update for Adoption – Comments
3. Adopt Town Plan
4. Resolution to Refer Adopted Town Plan to Regional Planning Commission
5. Appointment to Rockingham Library Board
6. Request for Update to Leaf Disposal Bag Charge
7. Discussion of Vermont 250th Anniversary Commission Local Committee
8. Preliminary Questions for Legislators (Tri-Board meeting)
9. Review RFP for 0 Bridge Street Development Site

Athens Grafton School District / WNUESD Special School Board Meeting: August 29, 2024

1. Call to Order:
2. Introductions:
3. Adjustments to the agenda:
4. Communications and Public Comments:
5. New/Old Business for Discussion/Action:
1. Appointment of Guidance Counselor – M. Corey
6. Adjournment

Special Limited Agenda Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: August 29, 2024

1. Call the meeting to order
2. Introductions:
A. Selectboard
B. Members of the Public in attendance
3. Changes to the agenda if any
4. Members of the Public
A. Scheduled members : 5 minutes unless otherwise noted
B. Unscheduled member: 2 minutes on agenda item only.
4:10 5. Warrants
ACTION : Motion/Seconded/Discussion/Vote or Table
A. ACTION Motion to concur with signing Payroll Warrant 2509 for the
period ending August 24, 2024 – Amount $4942.84 by SB Chair
6. Current Business
A. Review the submitted report from Jon Soccicco on the
moisture/mold situation at the Brookline Meeting House.
B. Discuss possible situations to mitigate / remedy = priorities
C. Prepare questions to ask the authors of the report at the
September 3, 2024 meeting on ZOOM.
D. Property Reappraisal Update
E. Any other discussion requested by a selectboard member not requiring
a vote.
7. Adjourn the meeting