6:30 1. Call the meeting to order
6:31 2. Any changes to the agenda
6:35 3. Members of the public
A. Scheduled members of the public
Auditors for Q & A on Budget scheduled at 7:00 pm following
Warrant Orders for 15 minutes
B. Unscheduled members of the public
For Agenda Items only - 5 minutes max
6:45 4. Review an adopt minutes
A. Regular meeting minutes - review/adopt/Action January 17, 2024
B. Special meeting minutes - review/adopt/Action January 24, 2024
6:55 5. Warrant Orders
A. Payroll Warrant - Action
B. Accounts Payable - Action
7:00 6. Unfinished Business
A. Auditors - 15 minutes for Q & A
B. Town Meeting / Town Report Update
C. FEMA Update
D. Part time -On Call Helper for Highway Dept Assistant
E. Part time Administrative Assistant advertisement
F. RFP - advertisement for hydraulic hammer work to be done in town
G. Procedural Human Resource Policy development
H. Contract signing - S. Bourne emergency work
I. 2 Wired Guys Contract
J. Carr Tree Contract
7:50 7. New Business
A. Electronic mapping program from Cartographic Technologies Inc
for listers. Estimated cost $450.00
B. Availability of JP’s to deliver ballots to household citizens for 2 elections
8:00 8. Reports & Updates
A. Highway Supervisor - E. Mark Bills
B. Building Commissioner - B. Mello
C. Highway Grants & Contracts - S. Noga
D. Selectboard Chair report - D. Maggio
E. Any other topic as requested by selectboard member not requiring a vote
8:25 9. Communications
A. Email
*FEMA Region 1 West Watershed Work Map Meeting
*Binary Blizzard Exercise Opportunities from VEM
*State of Vermont Agency of Transportation re:
-Municipal Highway Grant Application to apply for both Town Highway
Structures Grant program and the Town Highway Class 2 Roadway Grant
program Due before April 15, 2024
- Town Bridge Inspections
-TA 60 Annual Town Financial Plan due within 60 days of Town Meeting
* Lister email re: electronic mapping program
B. Regular Mail
Donation received from Howard Cutler to the BMH for $7,500.00
8:30 10. Set Agenda for next meeting on Wednesday February 21, 2024
A. Brookline Meeting House Advisory Committee requests 20 minutes
for discussion of priority lists, funding needs and planning at the
2/21/24 meeting.
B. Open Bids for Hydraulic hammering RFP
8:35 11. Adjourn the meeting

Make a donation

February 12, 2024In Brookline Selectboard

Town of Brookeline Select Board Meeting: October 2nd, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order 6:31 2. Review…

Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: September 18, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order 2.…

Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Selectboard Meeting: Town of Brookline VT: August 7, 2024

AGENDA 6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A.…