Aggie interviews Luca Paris, president of The Greater Monadnock Collaborative, who underscores the chamber's crucial role in supporting and promoting businesses. He stresses the need for chambers to adapt to changing times and cater to the younger generation. The chamber's role in fostering relationships, supporting diversity and inclusion, and facilitating communication and collaboration is also highlighted.

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March 15, 2024In Welcome Keene, Recent Videos

Welcome Keene: Keene International Festival 2024

Aggie Cersosimo interviews two guests involved…

Welcome Keene: Extraordinary Journey of an Afghan Woman Doctor

In today's episode Aggie talks to Behishta about…

Welcome Keene: African Girl Finds Her Voice Through Fashion Design

Batunga from the Democratic Republic of Congo…

Welcome Keene: The American Dream

Chuda Mishra is talking about his life as a…