Breaking Down Buhurt: Getting Back Into It

The speaker shares their personal journey of recovery from shingles and then shifts focus to the…

Breaking Down Buhurt: Living Buhurt

Colby and Sean discuss armored combat, the choices we make as fighters on a day to day basis, and…

Breaking Down Buhurt: Exploring Armored Combat: Teams, Techniques, and Participation

Sean Robheron and Kim Robheron delve into the world of armored combat, introducing their teams and…

Breaking Down Buhurt: Mutton and Mead: Road to Revelry Ren Faire

Sean discusses the Mutton and Mead festival, showing off videos of the fights that took place that…

Breaking Down Buhurt: Battle for the Nerdom

Sean Rohberon Speaks alone today about how last weekend went at the Bellows Falls Music Festival.…

Breaking Down Buhurt: WNBT in Armored Combat

Talking with Kimm Rohberon, a member of our newly named WNBT team Green Mountain Goblins. Talking…

Breaking Down Buhurt: Excitement of Growth

Sean and Colby discuss their first Vermont Armored Combat melee practice and the fun they had as a…

Breaking Down Buhurt: VAC Founder Will Alloway

Sean Rohberon, Vermont Armored Combat's team captain, shares the club's history and the hurdles…

Breaking Down Buhurt: Dreams, Goals, and Upcoming Events

Sean and Colby share their aspirations for Vermont Armored Combat, focusing on community growth,…

Breaking Down Buhurt: Inclusivity, Equipment, and Events

The focus is on Vermont Armored Combat (VAC) and its community, emphasizing the importance of…

Breaking Down Buhurt: From Training to International Competitions

The speakers, involved in Armored Combat, discuss an upcoming international competition in Mexico…

Breaking Down Buhurt: A Modern Sport with a Medieval Twist

Armored combat, a sport that recreates 14th-century tournament fighting, is physically demanding…