6:30 1. Call meeting to order
6:31 2. Review/Approve Draft Minutes
A. Regular meeting minutes from April 17, 2024
B. Town Meeting Minutes / Submitted by G. Tanza
6:40 3. Members of the Public
A. Scheduled Members of the Public - 5 minutes unless otherwise noted
1-Lee Ann Parker - Chair of the Brookline Meeting House
B. Unscheduled Members of the Public - 2 minutes on agenda items only
6:50 4. Changes to the Agenda if any
6:55 5. Unfinished Business - ACTION = Motion/Seconded/Discussion/Vote or Table
A.. Action - Support the Building Commissioner filing for a Grant
with the Vermont Arts Council Cultural Facilities grant program.
This matching grant will be to cover the cost of insulating the Meeting
house addition.(application Due May 6, 2024).
B. Action- Accept with regret the retirement of Judy Acampora as
Assistant Treasurer for the Town of Brookline effective immediately.
C. Action - Appoint a selectboard member to review bank reconciliation
reports of the Treasurer for transparency.
D. Action - Adopt the Town of Brookline’s Local Emergency Management
Plan (LEMP) as presented for the year 2024.
E. Action - Amend motion for approved Employee & Stipend Rates to be
effective starting July 1, 2024 not July 1, 2025
F. Action - Update the $21.75 per hour pay rate to $23.00 per hour
retroactively from July 1, 2023 for the Category Z Administratieve work
for the FEMA Disaster #4720 so it is consistent with the approved pay
rate of the Treasurer. (This expense is 100% reimbursable )
Starting July 1, 2024 the rate will increase to $24.00 per hour to be
consistent with salary rates of the Treasurer.
G. Action - Transfer $1309.00. which is the amount paid for the new laptops,
from the Administrative Assistant line item to the Town Computer
Equipment Line item as requested by the treasurer for transparency.
H. Policy Review: Discussion only
1-Any changes/discussion on the current Purchase Policy?
2-Any changes/discussion on the current Conflict of Interest Policy?
3-Any changes/discussion on the current Selectboard Rules of
Procedure Policy?
4-Any changes/discussion on the current Town Use Office Policy?
I. Action - AllClimb Arborist Hazardous tree removal work in the town
of Brookline - Review 2 proposals and costs
J.. FEMA visit update from Friday April 19th
K. MTAP- Update: Municipal Technical Assistance Program tabled last
L. Green Up Day -
8:10 6. New Business
A. Review RFP for Town Wide Reappraisal as prepared by the Listers
B. Additional Staffing needs -Discussion
C. Southern Vermnont Conservation Manager for Vermont River
Conservancy- Hayley Kolding re: Brookline’s experience with rivers and
how this fits into town planning. Offer to meet as a resource.
8:20 7. Reports and Updates-5 minutes each unless otherwise requested
A. Highway Supervisor - E. Mark Bills
B. Selectboard Chair - D. Maggio
C. Grants/Contracts - S. Noga
D. Building Commissioner - B. Mello
A request for a total of 10 minutes to discuss BMH work.
E. Any other discussion as requested by a selectboard member which
does not require a vote.
8:40 8. Warrants
A. Concur with signing the payroll warrant # 24-42 dated April 24, 2024
in the amount of $2,911,57
B. Accounts payable Warrant #
8:45 9. Communication
A. Letter from Vermont Land Trust 4.25.24 RE: Acquisition of Development
Rights from the Board of the Green Mountain Conservancy Incorporated
amending the original grant to include conserving 49 acres in Brooklline.
B. Email from Hayley Kolding Conservation Manager for So. VT
8:50 10. Set agenda for May 15, 2024
A. Adopt amended Policies upon second reading:
1) Purchase Policy
2) Conflict of Interest Policy
3) Selectboard Rules of Procedure Policy
4) Town Use Office Policy
B. Policy Review/Update
1) Minimum Road Specifications Policy
2) Driveway Culvert Policy
3) Identity Theft Prevention Policy
4) Excess Weight use on roads and bridges Policy
C. Brookline Meeting House Update cont.
9:00 11. Adjourn the meeting

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May 22, 2024In Brookline Selectboard

Town of Brookeline Select Board Meeting: October 2nd, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order 6:31 2. Review…

Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: September 18, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order 2.…

Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Selectboard Meeting: Town of Brookline VT: August 7, 2024

AGENDA 6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A.…