6:30 1. Call the meeting to order
A. Introduce those present at the meeting

6:32 2. Review / Approve Draft Minutes
A. May 15, 2024 regular meeting minutes

6:35 3. Members of the Public
• Scheduled members of the public - 5 minutes unless otherwise permitted
• Lee Anne Parker re: joint meeting of BMH Committee and Selectboard
• Alyssa Schmidt- Pride Month, Flag Display and Possible Purchase
B. Unscheduled members of the public - 2 minutes on agenda item only

6:45 4. Changes to the agenda if any

6:50 5. Unfinished Business
ACTION = motion / seconded / discussion / vote or table
Open bid(s) received from the published RFP for the Feasibility Study
re: The Brookline Meeting House

Reconsider the previously tabled bids
re: the BMH Steeple painting project. We have the following documents.

Momaney Painters LLC - bid amount $23,800.00 Received 10/18/23
Copies of Insurance,
Certificate of IRC Practices Training Completion # 31868
Dated 01.12/2023 good for 5 years:
Lead-Safe RRPM Firm VT Lead and Asbestos Regulatory Program
License RRPM-Firm-100052 Expires 6.8.2025
Lead-Safe RRPM Supervisor from Vt Lead and Asbestos Regulatory
Program License # RRPM - Sup-100072 expires 1/25/2024
Certificate of Attendance and Successful Completion Lead-Safe
Renovator - Supervisors Per 454 CMR 22.06
Certificate Number: NAT-RV-I-966-20-07491 Expires January 6, 2025

802 Painting LLC - bid amount $17,600,00 Oct 10, 2023
Copy of Insurance
Certificate of IRC Practices Training Completion - Certificate # 33248
Asbestos and Lead Regulatory Program
date: 4/12/2024 good for 5 years
Lead-Safe RRPM Firm License - VT Asbestos and Lead Regulatory
Program License: RRPM - Firm - 100238 Expires 5/17/2029
EPA/HUD RRP Certified Renovator Certificate # R-R-18692-24-10011
Expires February 26, 2027
Certificate of Attendance and Successful Completion Lead-Safe
Renovator - Supervisors Per 454 CMP 22.06
Certificate # NAT-RV- I-966 - 20 - 07484 expiration date: Jan 6, 2025
C. Tabled from May 15, 2024 Meeting
• Minimum Road Specifications Policy - 1985
• Driveway Culvert Policy - amended 2022
• Identity Theft Prevention Policy - 2009 - Awaiting info from VLCT
D. Review Budget Stabilization / Rainy Day Policy
Review Post Storm Right of Way Cleanup Policy
Review Fundraising Policy
Review Social Media Policy
E. Discuss Village Trust Initiative Program
F. tbd

7:00 6. New Business
A. Set date and time for joint BMH and SB meeting originally scheduled for June 3
B. Unanticipated Revenue.
A Revolving Community Loan Fund Lien payoff to the town upon transfer of property title came in on Friday May 31 to the Town Clerk. Original loan amount approximately $5,456.72 - Discuss payoff amount and process for correction, if need be. Brookline received payoff amount of $9,935.35. May need recalculation. The rehabilitation fund has been closed and any property that received the loan has a lien payable to town to include interest, principal and penalties. Funds to be deposited as “unanticipated revenue”.
C. June 4, or 5 or 6th, 2024 FEMA Vt Flood Recovery Symposium at locations around Vermont.
D. Discussion of Pride Month this June. Shall town purchase Pride flag and display at town office in June 2024?

7:10 7. Reports / Updates
A. Highway Supervisor E. Mark Bils
1. GIA 2024 Grant project estimates for time/material
2. Arbor Climb - Hazard Tree Removal update
3. Ball field gate is installed w/ rocks donated by P. Myers
4. Ellen Ware Road & Hill Road/Kirsh Road Culvert meetings
5. Parker Road Culvert start date
6. Mowing schedule
7. TBD

B. Grants / Contracts - S. Noga
1) Planning Commission Update
2) Hazard Mitigation Update
3) MTAP Grant Application Update

• Building Commissioner - B. Mello
• 5 Minutes to set date and time of joint meeting of BMH Committee and SB - Take Action – Motion/Discuss/Vote
• Other topics as necessary

D. Finance Review - M. DeSocio/D. Wellman
1) BMH and Village Trust
2) Soccoccio Contract Status
3 Update Town Financial Status Reports
4) DPS Hazard Mitigation Update

E. Selectboard Chair Report - D. Maggio Table

F. Any other discussion as requested by a selectboard member not
requiring a vote.

8:00 8. Warrants
A. Payroll Warrant-Concur w/ D. Maggio signing
B. Payroll Warrant-June 5, 2024
C. Accounts Payable Warrant

8:15 9. Communication
A. Regular Mail
June 21 Regional Policing/ACO meeting @ Windham County
Sheriff's office June 21, 2024 1:30 PM to2:30 PM at Old Ferry Rd, BR
B. Email
WRC - RE: DRAFT for the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Request for photos
8:30 10. Set Agenda items for June 19, 2024
A. Hayley Kolding - So. VT Conservation Manager to discuss Flood plan
B. Open Bids pursuant to RFP for FEMA Culvert Engineering/SOW for
Ellen Ware Road and Hill Rd/Kirsh road.
C. Policy update
1. Collection and Payment of Property Tax/Delinquent Tax Policy
2. Credit Card Policy
8:45 11. Adjourn the Meeting

Make a donation

Town of Brookeline Select Board Meeting: October 2nd, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order 6:31 2. Review…

Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: September 18, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order 2.…

Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Selectboard Meeting: Town of Brookline VT: August 7, 2024

AGENDA 6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A.…