1. Call the meeting to order
A. Introductions
2. Review/Approve Draft minutes
A. June 5, 2024 Regular meeting minutes
3. Changes to the agenda if any
4. Members of the public
A. Scheduled members of the Public - 5 minutes unless otherwise noted
1. Hayley Kolding - Southern Vermont Conservation Manager - requested 30
to 45 minutes for her presentation and Q & A time.
B. Unscheduled members of the Public - 2 minutes on Agenda topics only
5. Unfinished Business
A. ACTION = Motion / Seconded / Discussion / Vote or Table
1. Engineering bid opening for
A. Ellen Ware Road culvert
B. Hill Road Culvert #11 - Historic Stone Arch from 1800’s
2. Town Reassessment Bid
A. The Listers advertised the reassessment of the
properties owned in the town of Brookline.
One bid received (emailed to SB)
Action required
3. Policy Update -
1. Collection and Payment of Property Tax/Delinquent
Tax Policy
2. Credit Card Policy
3. Minimum Road Specifications Policy
4. Driveway Culvert Policy
5. Identity Theft Prevention Policy
6. Flag Policy - Tabled until VLCT update
6. New Business
7. Reports / Updates - 5 minutes each
A. Highway Supervisor - E. Mark Bills
B. Grants / Contracts - S. Noga
C. Building Commissioner - B. Mello
D. Finance Review - M. DeSocio & D. Welman
E. Selectboard Chair - D. Maggio
F. Any other discussion as requested by a selectboard member not
requiring a vote
8. Warrants
A. Payroll Warrant
1.- Tabled warrant #24-47
2.- Current payroll warrant
3. Accounts payable warrant
9. Communications
A. Regular Mail
B. Email
10. Set Agenda for the next meeting on Wednesday July 3, 2024
11. Adjourn the meeting

Make a donation

June 21, 2024In Brookline Selectboard

Town of Brookeline Select Board Meeting: October 2nd, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order 6:31 2. Review…

Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: September 18, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order 2.…

Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Selectboard Meeting: Town of Brookline VT: August 7, 2024

AGENDA 6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A.…