6:30 1. Call the meeting to order
A. Introduction
6:31 2. Review / Approve Draft minutes
A. Regular meeting on July 2, 2024 minutes
6:35 3. Changes to the agenda if any
6:40 4. Members of the Public
A. Scheduled members - none at this time
B. Unscheduled members - 2 minutes on Agenda items only
6:45 5. Unfinished business
ACTION = Motion / Seconded / Discussion / Vote or table motion
A. ACTION - Establish Tax Rate for 2024-2025 as presented by
Treasurer To be emailed when available to SB members before meeting.
B. ACTION - Tabled from July 2, 2024 meeting
Select Engineering Company to design scope of work for culvert
on Ellen Ware Road and the Culvert #11 on Hill Road
C. ACTION - Animal Control Contract with the Windham County
Sheriff Department - emailed to SB members
D. Discussion to prepare for BMH meeting in August re: roles/responsibilities
of SB and Advisory committee members and current status of projects
(painting/rot repair/sealing) including when to expect mold/mildew
analysis report from Peter Yost.
7:15 6. New Business
7:20 7. Reports / Updates
A. Any discussion as requested by a selectbord member not requiring a vote
7:25 8. Communication
A. Regular Mail
B Email
7:30 9. Set Agenda for next meeting on July 17, 2024
A. FEMA Update - meeting held July 8th
B. Office Use Policy - related to Newfane Town Hall incident
C. FacTV services review
D. Temporary Flood Plain Manager discussion
E. Planning Commission members
F. Hazard Mitigation Draft w/ WRC
G. Recycling area game cameras
H. The initial cost estimate discussion to put Ellen Ware Road into
full time use.
I. Highway Supervisor Cell phone / signal booster discussion
J. Increasing Municipal Capacity for Grants using VLCT’s
Federal Funding Assistance Program.
K. Member of the public : Carolyn Mayo-Brown of Putney
RE: Trail Marker request near Bennett Rd. near Holland Hill to the
Conte Wildlife Area.
7:40 10. Adjourn the meeting

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Town of Brookline Select Board: October 16th, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Town of Brookeline Select Board Meeting: October 2nd, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order 6:31 2. Review…

Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: September 18, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order 2.…