6:30 1. Call the meeting to order
A. Introductions
6:32 2. Review/Approve Draft Minutes
A. July 17, 2024 Regular meeting minutes
6:40 3. Changes to the Agenda if any
6:45 4. Members of the public
A. Scheduled members of the public - 5 minutes unless
otherwise noted
B. Unscheduled members of the public - 2 minutes on
agenda items only.
6:50 5. Unfinished business
ACTION = Motion / Seconded / Discussion / Vote or Table
A. Action - Appoint temporary Flood Plain Administrator for 7 months
B. Discuss Internal Review for Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
C. Discuss Public Review for Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
D. Discuss Motion re: spending $2,000 for “sealing up BMH”
7:15 6. New Business
A. Discuss/consider asking the BMH committee if they would like a
town meeting article to remove selectboard control of the
Brookline Meeting House. Pursue having the committee become a
benevolent society with a formal legal agreement that would revert
ownership back to the town if the benevolent society dissolves.
B. Discuss Winter plowing contract for RFP development w/ regards
to Ellen Ware Road .5 mile
C. Discuss Property Management appointment
D. Discuss recent responses to Front Porch Forum and
Listserv request for more volunteers.
E. Discuss Primary vote counting help request from Town Clerk
F. Discuss developing RFP for additional painting at BMH
G. Discuss meeting with our local representatives on
September 17 w/ potluck in the BMH -
8:00 7. Reports / Updates - 5 minutes each
A. Highway Supervisor - E. Mark Bills
B. Grants / FEMA - S. Noga
C. Finance Review - M. Desocio
D. SLP Building - B. Mello
E. Selectboard Chair - D. Maggio
F. Any other discussion as requested by a selectboard member
not requiring a vote
8:30 8. Warrants
A. Payroll Warrant
Concur w/ D. Maggio Signing July Payroll warrant
B. Accounts payable warrant
8:40 9. Communications
A. Regular Mail
B. Email
1-ACO contract w/ WCSD returned.
2-FEMA - $160,498.48 & $29,498.00 Public Assistance documents
3-Ronald Ferrara ESQ. RE: Labrie 345.2 Acres of land in
Brookline delinquent taxes for 2022, 2023 and 2024 totalling
8:45 10. Set Agenda for the next meeting on Wednesday August 21, 2024
8:50 11. Adjourn the meeting

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Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: September 18, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order 2.…

Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Brookline VT. Selectboard Meeting: June 19, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…