1. Call the meeting to order
2. Review/Approve Draft Minutes
A. Draft of Sept 4, 2024 Regular meeting
B. Draft of August 29, 2024 Special meeting
C. Draft of Sept 3, 2024 ZOOM meeting
3. Changes to agenda if any
1. Open Bid(s) for Snow Plowing Winter 2024-2024
Motion-Seconded-Discussion-Vote to award bid or table
2. Open Bid(s) for Winter road sand material
Motion- Seconded-Discussion- Vote to award bid or table
7:00 5. Members of the Public
A. Scheduled Members of the Public -
5 minutes unless otherwise noted
1. Somara Zwick - Energy Committee Update w/ MERP
Grant program. Updated information.
2. Lee Anne Parker - BMH Committee Chair about 15 min.
A. RFP Draft - Structural Engineer for BMH
B. RFP Draft - Underground Roof for BMH
C. RFP Draft - Scraping/Prime South Side
of Annex
D. RFP Draft - Roof Repair - Ridge Cap,
Slate repair/replacement, Cap 2 chimneys.
B. Unscheduled Members of the Public -
2 minutes on agenda items only
6. New Business
Action = Motion/seconded/discussion/Vote or table
A. FEMA reporting options: Streamlined process with risk based
approach rather than full documentation review. S. Noga
Action : Shall the town of Brookline participate in
the recommended streamlined process with FEMA for Ellen
Ware Road and Hill Road repair projects currently being
B. Action: RFP for BMH Structural Engineer to be advertised
C. Action: RFP for BMH Underground Roof to be advertised
D. Action: RFP for BMH Painting of the Annex to be advertised
E. Action: RFP for BMH Roof Ridge cap, slate, cap chimneys
to be advertised.
F. What date shall all requests for appropriations be received
by this fall 2024 for the 2025-26 town budget vote in
March 2025?
7. Unfinished Business
A. Flood Pain Administratrator - Job description and Pay/Stipend
and where to advertise
B. Grant Writer - Job description and Pay / Stipend.
Shared services with other towns?
8. Reports & Updates
A. Highway Supervisor - E. Mark Bills
1. Culvert repairs/replacement since last meeting
2. Hazard Mitigation History of culvert #35 at Grassy Brook
and Parker Road
B. Grants - S. Noga
1- GIA 2024 headwall work near 6 Parker Road
2- Grant writer position
3- Hazard Mitigation Update w/ VEM
C. Finance- M. Desocio
1- Treasurer’s report
2- Delinquent Taxes
D. Building Commissioner- B. Mello
1. Researching handyman services for small projects
2. Brookline Meeting House & ARPA Fund obligation
E. Selectboard Chair - D. Maggio
1 - Written summary provides as she will not be
present at this meeting
F. Any other discussion as requested by a selectboard
member not requiring a vote.
9. Warrants
A. Payroll Warrant
B. Accounts Payable Warrant
10. Communications
A. Regular Mail
1-Sent: Letter to O. Ames @872 GBR & D. Stolpp @868
GRB re: unauthorized installation of a locked gate at the
Windmill Hill Trailhead between their two properties.
2- Sent: To RESCUE Inc. re: Doug Wellman Appointment
3-Sent: To Windham Regional Commission re: Doug
Wellman Appointment
4-Sent: To M. Worden re: recorded dog bite incident
B. Email
1- Received: Road Commissioner Archie Clark re: Hazard
Mitigation History of culvert #35 at Grassy Brook Road and
Parker Road.
2-Received: Treasurer Melissa Brown re: depositing
approx $193,000.00 from FEMA w/ note re: FEMA 4720
projects that need to be funded.
3- Received: Land Use Permit Amendment dated Sept 9,
2024 re: Case No: 2W1152-6 Windmill Hill Pinnacle
Association from District 2 Environmental Commission for
approx. 10,555 linear feet of hiking trails (2 feet in width) and a
trail head with parking area and kiosk. Located 466 Brookline
Road in Athens VT & Grassy Brook Road in Brookline VT.
4- Received: Fully executed contract for property
reassessment w/ New England Municipal Resource Center
(NEMRC) for all real property in Brookline
5-Received: Municipal Energy Resilience Program
Implementation Grants - MERP - Energy Committee
requesting funds for projects noted in the assessment report.
6- Received: Meg Stoloft has requested to speak at the
October 2, 2024 SB meeting re: BDCC for about 5 minutes
7-SENT - Winter road salt bids requested from Cargill and
American Rock Salt companies for approx 175 Tons of winter
11. Set Agenda for next meeting - Wednesday October 2, 2024
A. Meg Stoloft - BDCC -member of the public scheduled
B. BMH Bids - review/open/award
C. Winter Road Salt Bids - review/open/award
12. Adjourn the meeting

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Brookline Select Board Meeting Live: September 4, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Selectboard Meeting: Town of Brookline VT: August 7, 2024

AGENDA 6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Brookline VT. Selectboard Meeting: June 19, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…