1. Call to order
2. Adjustments to agenda (new items ratified at a later meeting)
3. Clerk substitute for Board minutes
4. Public comment
5. Recreation Area ARPA obligations, playground equipment decision
6. Sewer property question
7. One Fire Department, 3 stations discussion before TriBoard Meeting
8. Welcome signs progress report
9. Review meeting site
10. Saxtons River group updates• Fire Station and MERP (Municipal Energy Resilience Program)• First Response Rescue• Waste Water Treatment Plant• 37 Main• President update
11. Approve minutes of October 7, 2024
12. Approve warrant of October 21, 2024
13. Other business
14. Items for next meeting
15. Next meeting dates and items: Village meetings 11/4, 11/18. TriBoard10/22 and 11/261
6. Adjourn

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