Introductions and location confirmations kick off the meeting, followed by legal notifications about voting procedures. Budget proposals for the upcoming fiscal year are discussed, alongside elections for key positions. The establishment of a tax relief fund is a major topic, with recommendations and criteria outlined. Financial oversight concerns are raised, leading to a voting process on proposed articles, including the tax relief fund and school director compensation.

ARTICLE 1: To hear the report of the Bellows Falls Union High School District
officers and to take action thereon.

ARTICLE 2: To elect a Moderator for one-year term beginning July 1, 2025

ARTICLE 3: To elect a District Clerk for a one-year term beginning July 1, 2025

ARTICLE 4: To elect a District Treasurer for a one-year term beginning July 1,

ARTICLE 5: Shall the voters of the Bellows Falls Union High School District
authorize the school board to expend $8,536,884.00, which is the amount the
school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? The
Bellows Falls Union High School District estimates that this proposed budget, if
approved, will result in per pupil education spending of $13,022.48, which is
18.44% higher than per-pupil education spending of the current year.

ARTICLE 6: Shall the voters of the Bellows Falls Union High School District
apply the sum of $219,262 from the fiscal year 2024 Fund Balance to reduce
expenditures in the fiscal year 2026 in order to reduce taxes

ARTICLE 7: Shall the voters of the Bellows Falls Union High School District
authorize the school board to create a tax relief fund with the sum of $219,262,
from the fiscal year 2024 Fund Balance to reduce expenditures in future years in
order to reduce taxes.

ARTICLE 8: Shall the voters approve an annual compensation to school directors
in the amount of: Board Chair $800, board members $700, District Treasurer $800,
District Clerk $125.
Approved by the Bellows Falls Union School District Board on January 13, 2025.

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BFUHS School Board Reorganizational Meeting : March 10, 2025

1.Call to Order 2.Pledge of Allegiance…

Bellows Falls Union High Special School Board – February 17, 2025

A G E N D A 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of…

Bellows Falls Union High School District School Board Meeting:

Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance…