1.Call to Order
3.Adjustments to Agenda
4.Communications & Public Comments
5.New Business for Discussion/Action
a.Elections & Appointments
Election of Chairperson
Election of Vice Chairperson
Election of Board Clerk
Election of WNESU Voting Members
Appointment of Teacher & Support Staff Negotiations
Appointment of Warrant Signers
Appointment of CIP Representative
Appointment of Truant Officer (anticipated Windham County Sheriff)
Set Time, Date and Location of Regular Monthly Meetings (Anticipated Regular Meeting 2nd Thursday of the month; Alt Meeting 4th Thursday @ 6pm @ GES)
Establish the Newspaper to be used to announce School Board functions and activities
Adopt Robert’s Rules of Order for Small Boards
b.Resignation – 2nd Shift Custodian
6.Directors’ Comments
7.Date and time of next meeting

This program is an independent production, and the content herein, including all views and opinions, is the sole responsibility of the producer. The material presented does not reflect the views of Falls Area Community Television (FACT), nor does it represent the perspectives of FACT’s staff or board of directors. As a public access television provider, FACT values and upholds the principle of free speech, recognizing its foundational role in a democratic society. While the content of this program is not endorsed by FACT, we support the right to free expression, understanding that the protection of diverse viewpoints is essential, even in cases where there is disagreement.

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