Town of Grafton WebsiteMake a donation

1. Town Administrator Opens meeting
2. Adopt Agenda
3. Election of Chair
After election of the Chair, the Chair presides
4. Election of Vice Chair
5. Election of Clerk
6. Appointment of Personnel Committee – 2 Selectboard Members
7. Appointment of Committees
8. Selectboard sets meeting schedule – Motion - 1st and 3 rd Monday then Time and Place.
Exception: when a meeting falls on holiday, the meeting will take place the following day at 6
9. Adopt - Rules of Procedure for Selectboard adopted by Selectboard February 19, 2018,
amended March 7, 2023.
10. Authorize Town Administrator to sign contracts, agreements, etc. after approval by Selectboard.
11. Authorize Town Clerk to approve liquor permits for outside catering.
12. Selectboard set places for posting:
• Declare places Notices to be posted (Clerk’s Office, Boards outside Town Hall) and Town
website; and
• designates papers of record (Grafton news if timely, and VT journal if necessary).
13. Hand out 2025-2026 Timeline
14. Selectboard Educational Forum – VLCT program. Announce time and date
15. Public Comment
16. Other Business
17. Date of Next Regular Meeting – Monday, March 17, 2025 @ 6:00 PM
18. Adjourn

March 13, 2025In Grafton Selectboard

TOWN OF GRAFTON Pre-Town Meeting: February 25th, 2025

AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Adopt agenda 3. Review…


A G E N D A 1. Call to order 2. Adopt Agenda 3.…

Town of Grafton Regular Selectboard Meeting Feb. 3rd, 2025

1. Call to order 2. Adopt Agenda 3. Approve…

Town of Grafton REGULAR SELECTBOARD MEETING Monday, Jan. 6, 2025

1. Call to order 2. Adopt Agenda 3. Approve…