Vermont Armored Combat at the Library
Vermont armored combat does a demonstration at the Rockingham Free Public Library
Putney Grammar School Medieval Faire
The Putney Grammar School Renaissance Fair celebrates its 36th year as a fundraiser for the Grammar…
Area Community Events: A Night of Knights
Black Friday Night Fights in Nashua, New Hampshire, showcases the thrill of combat sports. Fighters…
Battles With the North Horde
Witness fearless fighters from the North Horde and VAC don authentic steel armor, wield weapons of…
Breaking Down Buhurt: Getting Back Into It
The speaker shares their personal journey of recovery from shingles and then shifts focus to the…
Breaking Down Buhurt: Living Buhurt
Colby and Sean discuss armored combat, the choices we make as fighters on a day to day basis, and…
Breaking Down Buhurt: Exploring Armored Combat: Teams, Techniques, and Participation
Sean Robheron and Kim Robheron delve into the world of armored combat, introducing their teams and…
Breaking Down Buhurt: Mutton and Mead: Road to Revelry Ren Faire
Sean discusses the Mutton and Mead festival, showing off videos of the fights that took place that…
Breaking Down Buhurt: Battle for the Nerdom
Sean Rohberon Speaks alone today about how last weekend went at the Bellows Falls Music Festival.…
Breaking Down Buhurt: WNBT in Armored Combat
Talking with Kimm Rohberon, a member of our newly named WNBT team Green Mountain Goblins. Talking…
Breaking Down Buhurt: Excitement of Growth
Sean and Colby discuss their first Vermont Armored Combat melee practice and the fun they had as a…
Breaking Down Buhurt: VAC Founder Will Alloway
Sean Rohberon, Vermont Armored Combat's team captain, shares the club's history and the hurdles…
Breaking Down Buhurt: Dreams, Goals, and Upcoming Events
Sean and Colby share their aspirations for Vermont Armored Combat, focusing on community growth,…
Breaking Down Buhurt: Inclusivity, Equipment, and Events
The focus is on Vermont Armored Combat (VAC) and its community, emphasizing the importance of…
Breaking Down Buhurt: From Training to International Competitions
The speakers, involved in Armored Combat, discuss an upcoming international competition in Mexico…
Breaking Down Buhurt: A Modern Sport with a Medieval Twist
Armored combat, a sport that recreates 14th-century tournament fighting, is physically demanding…