Living Hope Fellowship: God’s Work – Healing

God has invited us to His dream, the family business. Jesus as our older brother showed us how to…

Living Hope Fellowship: God’s Plan:My Purpose

Redemption: first Messianic prophecy in Gen.3:15.Transfer of power/1 Cor 4:4- 1Jn. 4:4. Redemption…

Living Hope Fellowship: Seen and Unseen

The spirit realm is all around us and among us, and it is affecting us far more than we know!…

Living Hope Fellowship: The Convenant

The message explores the significance of God's covenants, beginning with an Old Testament story and…

Living Hope Fellowship: Hold on to Wisdom

Wisdom (God's divine words), revealed to us by His Spirit! Stock the shelves of your spirit with…

Living Hope Fellowship: Pause and Reflect

Selah- pause and reflect. Prov. 4:26 Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be…

Living Hope Fellowship: The Table is Set

There is a table laid out in the realm of the spirit.You are invited and you have a place at it…

Athens Community Christian Church: What Made the Early Church So Successful?

The Book of Acts showcases the early church's establishment and the challenges it faced. Despite…

Living Hope Fellowship: On Your Mark Set Go!

We need to run our race in the New Year. Your eternity has started! Stay focused.…

Living Hope Fellowship: Soul Food

New beginnings in the New Year. We say feed your spirit the Word if God.But I say it fa also…

Living Hope Fellowship: The Deliverer

Explore the connection between Moses and Jesus as deliverers in God's plan. The narrative…

Living Hope Fellowship: Make Room

How much room have you made for Jesus(Savior) in your life?

Living Hope Fellowship: Immanuel

God with us! God revealed and introduced Himself to us so He could be poured out through us! God's…

Living Hope Fellowship: God’s Plan

God's Plan was introduced with the birth of Jesus As we enter Advent season we see that God…

Living Hope Fellowship: Forgiveness is the Beginning of Life

Encouragement and forgiveness play vital roles in personal relationships and spiritual well-being.…

Living Hope Fellowship: God Is!

The content explores the nature of God and the importance of knowing Him through revelation. It…

Living Hope Fellowship: I have a Dream: City Set on a Hill

An important and historic week. How to navigate changing seasons. God has a dream and you are in…

Living Hope Fellowship: Change Your Thinking!

Changing thinking is essential for personal growth and success. Meditating on God's word leads to…

Living Hope Fellowship: You Have Been Gifted

You have good news to share! You have been gifted with grace and truth. God, by the Holy Spirit,…

Living Hope Fellowship: Grace/God’s Will

We cannot live or pray in bold confidence if we don't know is something is God's will. God GF ave…

Living Hope Fellowship: Grace and Glory

You cannot experience God's glory until you accept His gift of grace. By grace you are…

Living Hope Fellowship: By Your Fruit

Jean, the executive director of Branches, shares her journey from struggles with human trafficking…

Living Hope Fellowship: Grace Works!

Grace gave us the divine exchange! God was disposed or inclined to show compassion,kindness, and…

Living Hope Fellowship: Grace is Greater!

"Grace is God's power coming to us free of charge to enable us to do with ease what we could never…

Living Hope Fellowship: Your Divine Destiny

Heaven may be your destination, but what is your divine destiny? You are God's masterpiece of…

Living Hope Fellowship: Free At Last!

Who are you? How do you identify? You are born of God? A member of the Body of Christ (Anointing)?…

Life Hope Fellowship: Your Spiritual Identity

One way we acknowledge our identification is by our name. Born of God? You have been named and…

Living Hope Fellowship: Who Are You?

You will never reach your divine destiny if you are experiencing an identity crisis. The Church as…

Living Hope Fellowship: Your Word is my Treasure

The talk begins with an emphasis on the value of God's Word as a treasure and its transformative…

Living Hope Fellowship: Because I Need it

The discussion explores the power of God's word, emphasizing its role in healing and personal…

Because I Said So

Born of God? Be an imitator of your Father. Speak in his name with His authority....practice doing…

Living Hope Fellowship: God Said it, Believe it, Settle it!

Settle God's Word as truth in your heart and you won't settle for anything less!

Living Hope Fellowship: Respect God/Resist The Devil

The talk emphasizes the new covenant of love introduced by Jesus, underscoring the significance of…

Living Hope Fellowship: Respect the Covenant

Amos 3:3 Can two walk together unless they agree. A covenant requires two parties to make a pact,…

Living Hope Fellowship: Respect God on the Inside

It is time for us to become God inside minded. Show some respect for Who is on the inside of you…

Living Hope Fellowship: F.A.T.H.E.R

Special message brought by Allen Cushman

Living Hope Fellowship: God’s Word has Value

What does "the Word" say? We need to be acquainted with God as our Father, Jesus as our…

Living Hope Fellowship: Honor God’s Word

God made you on purpose for a purpose. Practicing the Presence of God will lead you into your…

Living Hope Fellowship: Honor God

Give honor to whom honor is due. Jesus made the supreme sacrifice to bring us back into God's…

Living Hope Fellowship: Live in Christ

We need to live with eternity in mind and not focused on the temporary.

Living Hope Fellowship: Compassion of God

Your past is not your future. The power of our former bondage has been broken

Living Hope Fellowship: Prayer…..God ‘s Mercy

Ps.145:8,9 The Lord is good, full of compassion, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. The Lord is…

Living Hope Fellowship: Prayer: Your Place

We need to find our place, take our place, and give no place! We have been called to a place of…

Living Hope Felloship: This Is the Day

This is the day of the New Covenant, When the enemy came in like a flood, God raised up a standard…

Living Hope Fellowship 4/7/24

The talk explores various topics such as the importance of communion, Holy Week, and the role of…

Living Hope Fellowship: Celebrating Life

Because He lives we can face tomorrow. Pastor Brenda shared several Resurrection truths. Recapped…

Living Hope Fellowship: Your Will

Jesus struggled within Himself to submit to His divine destiny. Is there one for you?

Living Hope Fellowship: Plugged In

We have many items to help us stay plugged in naturally. Batteries, cords/plugs,…

Living Hope Fellowship: The Better Covenant

We will celebrate Easter soon. The Resurrection signifies the beginning of the New Covenant…

Living Hope Fellowship: Are You Dressed?

It's important to dress your spirit appropriately. What's God's dress code?

Living Hope Fellowship: T.A.R.P

1Thess.5:16-24. Thanksgiving. Approve things that are good Rejoice evermore. Reverence God and…

The Counsel Of The Lord: Feb 18, 2024

The Word of God is "spirit food" to build your spirit. Our lives are shaped by our saying and…

You Are Loved : Feb. 11th 2024

Only when you know you are loved can you love others. You can live a successful life if you learn…

Living Hope Fellowship: No Portion Control

Ps. 16:5 The Lord is my portion...God is my full supply of______ you fill in the blank. ( Strength,…

Living Hope Fellowship: Communion Sunday

Pastor Brenda Shares a special message for Communion.

Living Hope Fellowship: Who are you?

Need to know who you are, Who’s you are, and what you should be doing.

Living Hope Fellowship: What’s in a Name?

The name of Jesus was given by angelic instruction. It is a name above every name. At the name of…

Living Hope Fellowship: Complete in Him

Inspiring thought closing out the year and entering the New Year.