1. Call to order.
2. Adjustments to Agenda
3. Minutes of Prior Meeting
4. Public Comments (no longer than 3 minutes per person)
5. Boards and Officials, Treasurer report
6. Brick Meeting House ramp
7. Policy review
8. Executive Session (if needed)
9. Warrants and Mail
10. Further Business / Adjourn

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Athens Select Board: July 18th, 2024

Athens Select Board meeting from July 18th.

Athens Selectboard Meeting: June 20th, 2024

Athens Select board Meeting from June 20th, 2024

Athens Selectboard Meeting: May 16, 2024

Athens Selectboard Meeting from May 16th, 2024

Athens Selectboard Meeting: April 18, 2024

Town of Athens Selectboard meeting for April. 18,…