Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Thursday July 16, 2024
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters and/or Pressing Matters that will require
ratification at a future meeting.
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)
Manager’s Report
Posted, mailed & emailed 8-16-24
Review Agenda Items for Next Meeting – September 10, 2024
Review Agenda Items Joint Board Meeting – September 24, 2024
Review & Approve Orders, Bills & Warrants

1. Update Water Tank Project
2. Update Status of DWSRF Application Kissell Hill
3. North Westminster District 5 Update
4. Consideration of Application for Parade & Open Air Eventa) BF Middle School 8-26-24b) Next Stage Arts 9-15-24c) Parade of Lights 12-14-24
5. Public hearing Ordinance (Chapter VI Offenses Against Persons and Property)
6. School/Atkinson Street Project Update
7. 0 Bridge Street Project Update
8. Discussion of VT 250th Celebration Committee
9. Board Questions for VT State Representatives
10. Finanacials
Other Business
Executive Session

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