Call to Order
Approve Minutes of January 9, 2024
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters and/or Pressing Matters that will
require ratification at a future meeting.
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)
Manager’s Report
1. Connecticut River Conservancy FERC relicensing update (Kathy Urffer)
2. Request for Sole Source Purchase (LULA Lift Cab)
a) Electrical and construction award for LULA Lift
3. Review Village Debt Schedule
4. Major Capital Proposed FY 25
a. Kissell Hill Project (SRF)
b. Sewer Plant Upgrades(SRF) (LISFF) (ARPA)
5. Updated ARPA Projects
6. Financials Posted, mailed & emailed 2-9-24
Review Agenda Items for Next Meeting – March 12, 2024
Review Agenda Items Joint Board Meeting – April 30, 2024
Review & Approve Orders, Bills & Warrants
Other Business
Executive Session –

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