Call to Order
Approve the Minutes July 23, 2024
Changes to Order of Business - All business will be conducted in the same order as it appears on
the noticed agenda, unless voted otherwise, except that any addition or deletion to the noticed
agenda may be made as the first act of business at the meeting. No additions to or deletions from
the agenda will be considered once the first act of business at the meeting has commenced.
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)
Manager’s Report -
1. Public Hearing for Update to Town Plan
2. Ratification of appointment to Planning Commission (7-23 Meeting)
3. Appointment of Student Member to Planning Commission
4. Presentation of Train Station NEPA Process and Environmental Update
5. 0 Bridge Street Feasibility Study Presentation
6. Request to Re-allocate Funds for TAP Project School/Atkinson Scoping Contract
7. Resolution to Adopt Preferred Alternative and Final Scoping Report TAP Project School/Atkinson
8. Discussion of 66 Atkinson project and WNESU coordination
9. Park and Ride Ordinance Update
10. Financials
Review and Approve Orders,Bills &Warrants
Review Agenda for September 3, 2024 Meeting 5:00 at Rockingham Meeting House
Review agenda items for Joint Board Meeting September 24, 2024
Other Business
Executive Session - if needed

Make a donation

BFUHS School Board Meeting Monday, April 8, 2024 @ 6:00PM

A G E N D A 1. Call to order 2. Pledge of…