1. Call to order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Introductions:
4. Adjustments to Agenda:
5. Communications & Public Comments:
6. Review & Approve board minutes of July 24, 2023
7. Reports/Listening Session:
a. WNESU update (June)
b. Finance (Jim and or Mike)
c. Principal
1. Accounting breakdown of poor graduation performance from Class of 2022
d. Committee Updates
1. SU Board
2. Buildings and Grounds
Steve Horton update
3. Budget (MTG date) / Warrant / Treasure / CIP / Policy
e. Granular breakdown of what ESSR was spent on for the high school based off of
superintendent report
8. Unfinished Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Contract matter fall athletics, possible executive session
b. Pietro Lynn - Monsanto suit, specifics around the suit itself
9. New Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Appointments/resignations (Executive Session)
b. Hiring Committee ~ Board rotation
c. Review and approve Policy B21 Professional Development
d. Accessing documents and document storage
10. Executive Session:
11. Directors comments:
12. Date of next meeting:
13. Adjournment:

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January 17, 2024In BFUHS School Board

Bellows Falls Union High School District School Board Meeting: August 12, 2024

AGENDA Call to Order Approve the Minutes July 23,…

BFUHS School Board Meeting Monday, April 8, 2024 @ 6:00PM

A G E N D A 1. Call to order 2. Pledge of…