1. Call to order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Introductions
4. Adjustments to Agenda:
5. Communications & Public Comments:
6. Review & Approve board minutes of September 25, 2023 (action needed)
7. Reports (no action)
a. Heather Waryas, Work Based Program Coordinator
b. Principal
1. PCB
2. Flexible pathways
c. Committee Updates
1. Norms – Update, Ratification (action needed)
2. WNESU – Voting member election of alternate (action needed)
3, Budget update – David update, Minutes sent, Docs sent
4. Committee appointments (action needed)
8. New Business for Discussion
a. Appointment of Rockingham Representative to BFUHS board (action needed)
b. Board member conflict of interest (possible action needed)
9. Unfinished / Old Business for discussion information
1. Carnegie credits discussion policy/procedure (no action needed)
2. Outcome of investigation regarding member of the public
10. Directors comments:
11. Date of next meeting:
12. Adjournment:

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January 17, 2024In BFUHS School Board

Bellows Falls Union High School District School Board Meeting: August 12, 2024

AGENDA Call to Order Approve the Minutes July 23,…

BFUHS School Board Meeting Monday, April 8, 2024 @ 6:00PM

A G E N D A 1. Call to order 2. Pledge of…