6:30 1. Call the meeting to order
6:31 2. Any changes to the agenda
6:35 3. Members of the public
A. Scheduled members on requested topic 10 minutes
Maggie Foley RE: Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP)
from Windham Regional Commission (WRC)
B. Unscheduled members on agenda items only 5 minutes
6:50 4. Review minutes -
Review then Adopt Final minutes from December 6, 2023 Regular meeting
Review then Adopt Final minus from December 13, 2023 Special meeting
7:05 5. Warrant Orders
A. Payroll Warrant
B. Accounts Payable Warrant
7:10 6. Unfinished Business
A. Open /Bids for Arborist work RFP - Action
B. Budget Planning for 2024-2025
Continue with Salary review, Appropriations Review,
General & Highway Funds.
C. Review requested changes to the contract for the BMH Foundation work.
Additional funds requested before completion of work by Mr. K. Bourne.
7:55 7. New Business
A. Appoint Marie Tattersall as the Brookline Rep to DVFiber - Action
B. Town Report - Schedule of due dates
Survey current positions that will be voted on at Town meeting
or appointed by the Selectboard in March/April.
C. Website - www.brooklinevt.com - Discuss the selection of Email.
8:05 8. Reports and Updates
A. Highway Supervisor - E. Mark Bills
B. Planning Committee - S. Zwick
C. Energy Committee - S. Zwick
D. Building Commissioner - B. Mello
E. Highway Grants & Contracts - S. Noga
F. Selectboard Chair Report - D. Maggio
G. Any other topic as requested by a selectboard member not requiring
a vote.
8:20 9. Communications
A. Email
B. Regular Mail
8:25 10. Set Agenda for the next meeting on January 3, 2024
8:30 11. Adjourn the meeting.

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January 16, 2024In Brookline Selectboard

Regular Brookline VT. Selectboard Meeting: June 19, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call the meeting to order A.…

Regular Brookline VT Selectboard Meeting: June 5, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order A. Introduce…

Regular Brookline Selectboard Meeting: May 1, 2024

6:30 1. Call meeting to order Introduction 6:31…

Brookline Select Board: May 15th, 2024

1. Call the meeting to order A. Introductions 2.…