Call to Order
Approve the Minutes of January 16, 2024
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters or Pressing Matters that will
require ratification at a future meeting
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)
Manager’s Report
Agenda: 1. Board of Liquor Control (1-16-24 agenda)
A) Application for Second Class License
B) Application for Tobacco License
(VT 103 BART Energy,)
2. A) Application for Tobacco License
(705 Rockingham Road Jiffy Mart)
3. A) Application for Tobacco License (97 Westminster Street)
4. A) Application for Second Class License (59 the Square Halladay's)
5. A) Application for First Class Restaurant/Bar License
B) Application for Third Class Restaurant/Bar License (22 Rockingham Street Wunderbar)
6. A) Application for Third Class Restaurant/Bar License (65 Rockingham Street Donovan's)

1. Approve Final Town Meeting Warning and Articles (1-16-24 agenda)
2. Approve Application for BRIC grant (RT 121 Culverts) (1-16-24 agenda)
3. Review Draft Lease and Purchase Agreement (BF Train Station) (1-16-24 agenda)
4. Approve Form MP1 for Use of VCDP Funds (1-16-24 agenda)
5. Approve Board of Liquor Control items and prior agenda items 1-4 (consent agenda)
6. Animal Control Officer Candidates
7. Adopt Certificate of Highway Mileage
8. Final 2025 Budget Adoption
9. Grant Agreement Approvals
A) Recreation Trails Grant
B) Bellows Falls Historical Society
Adjourn Posted February 1, 2024
Tuesday February6, 2024
6:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Rockingham Town Hall Lower Theater Meeting Room or
via Zoom at or phone dial in 1-929-205-6099,
Meeting ID: 696 830 477 Password: welcome
Page 2
Review and approve Orders,Bills & Warrants
Agenda items for February 20, 2024 Meeting
Review Agenda items for Joint Board Meeting April 2024
Other Business
Executive Session - If Needed

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