Call to Order
Approve the Minutes of July 18, 2023 & July 24, 2023
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters and/or Pressing Matters that will
require ratification at a future meeting
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)
Manager’s Report
Posted July 14, 2023
1. Request approval for appointment to Planning Commission
2. Request approval for appointment to Rockingham Conservation
3. Request approval for appointment of members to Social
Services Review Committee
4. GMP request for Pole agreement Right of Way Permit
5. Request for Approval for Amendment to Closing,Assumption
and Priority Agreement (BF Garage)
6. RED report on BFOH Operations for FY 23 and updated
pricing requests for concessions and special events
7. Rockingham Meeting House Grant Projects Updates
8. Community Recovery & Revitalization Program Grant Imtec
Lane and Spencer Drive (Update on submission)
Review and Approve Orders,Bills and Warrants
Agenda items for September 19, 2023 Meeting
Review agenda items for September 26, 2023 Tri-Board Meeting
Other Business
Executive Session

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