Call to Order
Approve the Minutes of December 5, 2023
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters and/or Pressing Matters that will
require ratification at a future meeting
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)
Manager’s Report

1. Board of Liquor Control
A) Application for Second Class License
124 Rockingham Street Penguin Mart)
1. Approval of Windham Region Brownfields Reuse Initiative Program
2. Public Hearing for Bellows Falls Garage BFG-07110-IG-2109-Rockingham-17
3. Approve proposed donation and scope of tree work Rockingham Meeting House
4. Review and Adopt Social Services Levy for Warning
5. Review Full Draft Operating Budget
6. Presentation of Major Capital Projects and Proposed Debt Schedule
a) Highway Equipment
b) Municipal Buildings (RMH, Train Station, Town Hall)
7. Authorize application for $110 K VT Municipal Equipment Loan Fund
8. Authorize Municipal Manager to sign proposed lease KSI Asset Management
9. Updated Brownfields Locations and associated clean up actions
Review and Approve Orders,Bills and Warrants
Agenda items for January 2, 2024 MeetingReview agenda items for January 30, 2024
Tri-Board Meeting
Other Business
Executive Session -

Adjourn Posted December 15, 2023

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