Call to Order
Approve the Minutes of March 7, 2023
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters and/or Pressing Matters that will
require ratification at a future meeting
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)
Manager’s Report
1. Meeting of Liquor Commissioners
A) Rydon, Inc (65 Rockingham Street)
Outside Consumption Permit
First Class Restaurant/Bar License
Third Class Restaurant/Bar License
B) Ramunto's (for BF Opera House)
Request to Cater Permit
C) Vermont Country Store, Inc. (1292 Rockingham Road)
Second Class License
D) Halladay's (59 the Square)
Second Class License
E) PK's Irish Pub (113 Rockingham Street)
First Class Restaurant/Bar License
Request to Cater Permit

Third class Restaurant/Bar License


Tuesday March 21, 2023
• 3 Designate Paper of Record for Legal Advertising
• 4. Discussion CDS Senator Sanders + Senator Welch
• 5. Review Management Letter (Audit)
• 6. Opioid Settlement (distributors)
• 7. Review Delinquent Tax Sale Policy
• 8. Depot Bridge Design Review Issues
Review and approve Orders,Bills & Warrants Agenda items
for April 4, 2023 Meeting
Review Agenda items for Joint Board Meeting May 2023
Other Business
Executive Session - If Needed
2. Annual Appointments
Cemetery Sexton
Conn. River Joint Comm. Energy Comm.
Chair GFR Chamber of Commerce
Green up Chair
Opera House Comm.
Personnel Rules Comm.
Animal Control
Recreation Comm.
Revolving Loan Fund Comm.
Historic Preservation Committee
Review Committee Senior Center
Town Service Officer
Tax Stabilization Committee
Walk-Bike Committee

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