Call to Order
Approve the Minutes of April 18, 2023
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters and/or Pressing Matters that will
require ratification at a future meeting
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)
Manager’s Report
1. Meeting of Liquor Commissioners
A) BART Energy LLC (Route 103) Second Class
Tuesday May 2, 2023
6:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Rockingham Town Hall Lower Theater Meeting Room or
via Zoom at or phone dial in 1-929-205-6099,
Meeting ID: 696 830 477 Password: welcome
Page 2
Review and approve Orders,Bills & Warrants
Agenda items for May 16, 2023 Meeting
Review Agenda items for Joint Board Meeting 5-30-23
Other Business
Executive Session - If Needed
2. Sam Carlson, Green Lantern Solar Presentation
Solar Array proposal
3. GMP application for Rt 121 Phase 1 Power Line
Reconstruction project and permit request
4. Updated Galvanizing Information (Depot Bridge)
5. Discussion on Organic Disposal Policy at Recycling
Center and offsite organic materials (SR)
6. Application for Use of Alcohol on Municipal
Property (Waypoint) for Rotary BFF
7. Adoption of Committee Process 5 year Social
8. Proposed contract for Rockingham TAP TA 22 (12)
Scoping Study (School Street/Atkinson Street)
9. Discussion Town Meeting Participation
10. Financials

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