Call to Order
Approve the Minutes of October 10, 2023
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters and/or Pressing Matters that will
require ratification at a future meeting

Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)

Manager’s Report

1. Presentation Draft Audit FY end 6/30/232. Cemetery Commission Update
3. Request to fill 2 vacancies Cemetery Commission
4. Presentation Rockingham Recreation
5. Approve Inter-municipal Agreement for Local Government Shared Services
6. Appointment for Zoning Administrator
7. Survey on the Future of Rockingham Town Meeting and funding request
8. Municipal Planning Grant Resolution for Shared Cultural Facilities Plan
9. Update on Mixed Use Development Bridge Street Parking Lot
10. Discussion Municipal Ambulance Service and EMS billing
11. Approve Municipal Manager Employment Agreement Amendment
12. Financials Review and Approve Orders,Bills and Warrants Agenda items for November 21, 2023 Meeting (Budget Calendar)
Review agenda items for November 28, 2023 Tri-Board

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