1. Call to order
2. Adjustments to Agenda
3. Public comment
4. Sewer issues; owner liability from house to sewer line
5. Four locations of Village property and improper public use
6. Set Village tax rate and due date
7. Stipends for Clerk, Treasurer, Delinquent Tax Collector, Tax Collector
8. Treasurer policies, training and financial advice
9. Dog waste disposal stations
10. Committee updates
• Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP)
• Fire Station
• Wastewater Treatment Plant
11. National Opioid Settlements
12. Fire and rescue call report
13. Pacif/HCA Management visit
14. Sheriff contract and signature
15. Discussion of Rockingham tax sales
16. Minutes for approval from May 1, 2023
17. Warrants and bills for approval
18. Other Business
19. Items for next meeting
20. Executive Session
21. Adjourn
April Report Fire and Rescue:3 EMS calls

2 Fire calls (one mutual aid to Bellows Falls, one fire alarm at VT Academy)

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