1) Call to Order
2) Approval of Minutes
A. October 26, 2023
3) Applications and Public Hearings
A. Proposed 2024 Amendments to the Swanzey Zoning Ordinance, as proposed by the
Planning Board (Public Hearing required):
• Amend the Zoning Ordinance to update the description of the Village Business
District I and Village Business District II Zones.
• Amend Zoning Ordinance to include Village Business District I along State
Route 32 from the Keene line to the outlet of Wilson Pond dam.
• Amend Section V, Article C in the Zoning Ordinance to alter the zoning of
Village Business District I parcels located along Main Street into Village
Business District II.
• Amend Section V, Article B.1, C.1 & C.2 in Zoning Ordinance to update uses in
Village Business District I & Village Business District II permitted by issuance
of a Special Exception.
• General Provisions, Business District, VBI and VBII Ordinance Amendments
B. PB #23-027 Boundary Line Adjustment (Public Hearing Required): DiBernardo
Associates, LLC on behalf of Robjohn LLC, requests review of a Boundary Line
Adjustment for properties located along Base Hill Road. The subject properties are
currently shown at Tax Map 203, Lots 22 and 23 in the Business District. Upon a
finding that the application meets the submission requirements of the Site Plan Review
regulations, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete and a public
hearing may follow immediately or will be scheduled for a time and date certain.
C. PB #23-029 Boundary Line Adjustment (Public Hearing Required): Fieldstone Land
Consultants on behalf of Benjamin Steiner, Clyde L. Keene Jr., and Carol Cooper,
requests a Boundary Line Adjustment at properties located along Westport Village
Road. The subject properties are currently shown at Tax Map 246 Lot 73 and 74 in the
Residential District. Upon a finding that the application meets the submission
requirements of the Site Plan Review regulations, the Board will vote to accept the
application as complete and a public hearing may follow immediately or will be
scheduled for a time and date certain.
D. PB #23-020 Site Plan Review (Public Hearing required): Continued from September
14, 2023: Fieldstone Land Consultants, PLLC, on behalf All Purpose Storage Swanzey
West LLC requests Site Plan Review for construction of a multi-tenant services facility
to be leased to various service businesses at 115 Base Hill Rd. The subject property is
currently shown at Tax Map 52, Lot 16 in the Rural Agricultural District and the
Business District.
E. PB #23-028 Multi-Tenant Application (Public Hearing Required): DSM Realty and the
NH Liquor Commission requests Multi-Tenant Review for operation of a Retail Sales
Liquor Outlet at the existing commercial building located at 11 West Swanzey Road.
The subject property is currently shown at Tax Map 204 Lot 4 in the Commercial/
Industrial District. Upon a finding that the applications meet the submission
requirements, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete and a public
hearing may follow immediately or will be scheduled for a time and date certain.
F. PB #23-030 Multi-Tenant Application (Public Hearing Required): Brian McCormick,
on behalf of Swanzey Homestead Offices, LLC, requests Multi-Tenant Review for
operation of a professional office space at the existing commercial building at 217 Old
Homestead Highway. The subject property is currently shown at Tax Map 105, Lot 1 in
the Business District. Upon a finding that the application meets the submission
requirements, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete and a public
hearing may follow immediately or will be scheduled for a time and date certain.
G. PB #23-031 Honda Dealership Site Plan Application (Public Hearing Required):
Monadnock Land Planning, on behalf of Kate Donovan, LLC requests Site Plan
Review for construction of an external service building at the property located at 567
Monadnock Highway. The subject property is currently shown at Tax Map 222, Lot 30
in the Business District. Upon a finding that the application meets the submission
requirements of the Site Plan Review regulations, the Board will vote to accept the
application as complete and a public hearing may follow immediately or will be
scheduled for a time and date certain.
1) Discussions/Other Business
A. Alotek Substantial Progress Review
B. Plan reading workshop
C. Other business as may be required
2) Adjournment

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