1) Call to Order
2) Approval of Minutes
A. December 14, 2023
3) Applications and Public Hearings
A. PB #23-029 Boundary Line Adjustment (Public Hearing Required): Fieldstone Land
Consultants on behalf of Benjamin Steiner, Clyde L. Keene Jr., and Carol Cooper,
requests a Boundary Line Adjustment at properties located along Westport Village
Road. The subject properties are currently shown at Tax Map 246 Lot 73 and 74 in the
Residential District. Upon a finding that the application meets the submission
requirements of the Site Plan Review regulations, the Board will vote to accept the
application as complete and a public hearing may follow immediately or will be
scheduled for a time and date certain.
B. PB #23-032 Site Plan Review Modification (Public Hearing Required): Alpesh Patel
requests a Site Plan Review Modification for his property located at 56 Monadnock
Highway for plans to construct an approximately 640 square foot addition to the
existing residential dwelling/office for the Coach House Motel business. The subject
property is located in the Business District and is shown at Tax Map 102, Lot 15. Upon
a finding that the application meets the submission requirements of the Site Plan
Review regulations, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete and a
public hearing may follow immediately or will be scheduled for a time and date certain.
1) Discussions/Other Business
A. Proposed 2024 Amendments to the Swanzey Zoning Ordinance, as proposed by the
Planning Board:
i. General Provisions, Business District, VBII Ordinance Amendments Plan
reading workshop
Other business as may be required
2) Adjournment

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Swanzey Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting: August 19, 2024

AGENDA 1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes a.…

Swanzey Select Board: August 28th, 2024

1. Call to Order – 5:30 PM 2. Consideration of…

Swanzey Planning Board: August 22rd, 2024

1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes A. August…

Swanzey Select Board: August 14th, 2024

1. Call to Order – 5:30 PM 2. Consideration of…