1. Call to Order – 5:30 PM
2. Consideration of Meeting Minutes
A. Regular Meeting of August 16, 2023
B. Nonpublic Meeting #1 of August 16, 2023
C. Nonpublic Meeting #2 of August 16, 2023
3. Consent Agenda
A. Payroll Manifest
B. Payables Manifest
C. Notice of Intent to Cut – Taft Road, Map 12/Lot 2
D. Notice of Intent to Cut – Winch Hill Road, Map 63/Lot 6
E. 2022 Abatement Recommendation – 11 Ridge Road, Map 18/Lot 16
F. 2023 Proration Recommendation – 38 East Shore Road, Map 45/Lot 9
G. Abatement #2023-14 – Map 87/Lot 2-5090
H. Letter to State Legislators Regarding New Voting Machines
I. Special Event Permit – Hops for Hope Vintage Car Show Benefit – 09/02-09/04
J. Special Event Permit – Motorcycle Swap Meet – 09/24
K. Special Event Permit – Jurassic Wonder Dinosaur Drive Thru – 09/09-09/10
L. Raffle Permit – Northern Lights All Stars #2023-13
M. Permission for Swanzey Congregational Church to Hold Annual Worship on Meeting House Hill
N. 2023 Tax-Exempt Properties
O. Amended Special Events Permit Policy
P. Third Party Requests for Swanzey Data from CAI Technologies
Q. Personnel Action Reports
4. Public Input
5. Appointments
A. 5:35 President of Avanru Development Jack Franks & Assessor Dave Marazoff – 2023 Assessment for
10 Perry Lane
Agenda items and times are tentative and subject to change – they are provided for informational purposes only
6. 6:00 Public Hearing
A. Public Hearing Pursuant to RSA 41-14a regarding the proposed acquisition by the Town of 110 Pine
Street (Map 57 Lot 113)
7. Appointments (continued)
A. Grange Hall Advisory Committee Chair Norm Skantze – Bluegrass Festival Event & Grange Committee
8. Consideration of New Business
A. Heating Oil & Propane Bids for 2023-24
B. Recommendation to Sell Fire Department Ambulance
C. 2024 Budget Schedule
D. September Meeting Schedule
9. Consideration of Old Business
10. Administrative Update
11. Correspondence
12. Non-public session(s) per RSA 91-A:3II(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public
employee or the disciplining of such employee
13. Non-public session(s) per RSA 91-A:3II(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public
employee or the disciplining of such employee
14. Possible non-public sessions as needed
15. Adjournment

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Swanzey Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting: August 19, 2024

AGENDA 1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes a.…

Swanzey Select Board: August 28th, 2024

1. Call to Order – 5:30 PM 2. Consideration of…

Swanzey Planning Board: August 22rd, 2024

1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes A. August…

Swanzey Select Board: August 14th, 2024

1. Call to Order – 5:30 PM 2. Consideration of…