1. Call to Order – 5:30 PM
2. Consideration of Meeting Minutes
A. Regular Meeting of July 17, 2024
B. Nonpublic Meeting #1 of July 17, 2024
C. Nonpublic Meeting #2 of July 17, 2024
D. Nonpublic Meeting #3 of July 17, 2024
3. Consent Agenda
A. Payroll Manifest
B. Payables Manifest
C. Special Event Permit #2025-01 – SC Monster Truck Madness
D. Special Event Permit #2024-16 – Hops for Hope Car Show Benefit
E. Special Event Permit Application #2024-17 – Feeding Tiny Tummies Fall Festival
F. Raffle Permit #2024-14 – Connecticut River Sportsmen’s Club
G. Personnel Action Reports
4. Public Input
5. Consideration of Old Business
A. Water Line Extension to Valley Creek Development on Rt. 32
B. Whitcomb Hall Exterior Painting
6. Appointments
A. 5:35 DPW Director Joe DiRusso – Requested Expenditures for Road Grader, Backhoe, & Lawn Mower
B. 5:50 Human Resources Coordinator Sebastian Villacres – Human Resources Update
C. 6:05 Police Chief Joe Gonsalves – Department Update & Directed Patrols on Sawyers Crossing Road
D. 6:25 Lisa Thorne – Sawyers Crossing Road & Cresson Bridge Traffic Concerns
7. Consideration of New Business
A. Requested Expenditure – Tables for Whitcomb Hall
B. Request for Nomination – NH Municipal Association Board of Directors
Agenda items and times are tentative and subject to change – they are provided for informational purposes only.
C. Update on Revaluation of Assessed Values
D. August Meeting Schedule
8. Administrative Update
9. Correspondence
10. Public Input
11. RSA 91-A:3II(a) the dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee of the disciplining of
such employee.
12. Possible non-public sessions, as needed.
13. Adjournment

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Swanzey Planning Board: September 12th, 2024

1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes A. August…

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AGENDA 1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes a.…

Swanzey Select Board: August 28th, 2024

1. Call to Order – 5:30 PM 2. Consideration of…

Swanzey Planning Board: August 22rd, 2024

1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Minutes A. August…