1. Call to Order
2. Adjustments to Agenda *
3. Acceptance of Minutes: June 11, 2024 *
4. Communications and Public Comments:
5. Unfinished Business (Discussion/Action) *
A. B. Peter (Bruce) Murray – Municipal Dissatisfaction *
B. Chris Potter, et al. – Response to concerns *
1. Lot Line Adjustment
2. Legal Conflict of Interest
3. DRB – nonresident members
4. Logging/Trucking
5. Noise Ordinance
6. Future Use of property
6. New Business (Discussion/Action) *
A. Cemetery Commission restructuring *
B. Pilot Project – change Town Hall hours *
C. Town Manager’s Report
D. Road Foreman’s Report
E. Executive Session (If Needed) *
7. Boards, Committees and Commissions *
8. Other Business: *
9. Executive Session *
10. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday, July 9, 2024
11. Adjournment
(* = Items involving potential Selectboard action)
Visitors are welcome at Selectboard meetings. Anyone wishing to address the Board on
a specific matter is encouraged to make an appointment to appear on the agenda with
either the Selectboard Chairperson or the Town Manager no later than the Thursday
preceding each meeting.

Make a donation

Town of Westminster Selectboard, March 11th, 2025 Board Meeting

AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Adjustments to…

Town of Westminster Annual Meeting March 1st, 2025

Town of Westminster Annual Meeting March 1st,…


Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Adjustments to Agenda…


1. Call to Order 2. Adjustments to Agenda * 3.…