School budgetSchool Board Articles

Westminster Town School District Annual Meeting
Saturday, March 1, 2025
The legal voters of the Westminster Town School District are hereby notified and
warned to vote from the floor on the following articles on Saturday, March 1, 2025
at 10:00AM at the Bellows Falls Union High School, Westminster, Vermont:

ARTICLE 1: To hear the report of the Westminster Town School District officers
and to take action thereon.

ARTICLE 2: Shall the voters of the Westminster Town School District authorize
and instruct its School Directors and Treasurer to borrow money, if necessary, on
the credit of the town school district for its current expenses in anticipation of the
collection of taxes and receipt of money due from state aid and other sources.

ARTICLE 3: Shall the voters of the Westminster Town School District apply the
sum of $100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars from the fiscal year 2024 surplus
of $236,115 (two hundred thirty-six thousand, one hundred fifteen dollars) to
create a reserve fund to offset expenditures in the fiscal year 2027.

ARTICLE 4: Shall the voters of the Westminster Town School District apply the
sum of $100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars from the fiscal year 2024 surplus
of $236,115 (two hundred thirty-six thousand, one hundred fifteen dollars) to
create a reserve fund to offset expenditures in the fiscal year 2028.

ARTICLE 5: Shall the voters apply the sum of $36,115 (thirty-six thousand, one
hundred fifteen dollars) from the Westminster Town School District 2024 surplus
to a reserve fund for repairs or improvements to buildings and grounds, including,
although not limited to, enhanced security and energy efficiencies, and to authorize
the Board to expend such funds.

ARTICLE 6: Shall the voters of the Westminster Town School District authorize
the school board to expend $5,308,124.00 (five million, three hundred eight
thousand, one hundred twenty-four dollars) which is the amount the school board
has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? The Westminster
Town School District estimates that this proposed budget, if approved, will result
in per pupil education spending of $15,015.49, which is 12.67% higher than per
pupil education spending of the current year.

ARTICLE 7: To transact any other proper business to be brought before the Town
School district meeting.

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Westminster School Board March 11th, 2025

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