1. Call to order:
2. Introductions:
3. Adjustments to Agenda:
4. Communications and Public Comments:
5. Review & Approve board minutes for April 19, May 1 and May 8, 2023:
6. Reports:
a. Superintendent
b. Director of Innovation & Instruction
c. Pre-K
7. New Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Resignations/Appointments (executive session)
b. Purchase of New Bus
c. Board Training with Lynn, Lynn, Blackman & Manitsky, P.C (executive session)
 Communication
 Ethics
 Conflict of Interest
 Roles & Responsibilities
8. Director’s Comments:
9. Date and time of next meeting:
10. Adjournment

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January 5, 2024In WNESU

WNESU School Board Dec. 18th 2024

School Board – Windham Northeast Supervisory…

Windham Northeast Supervisory Union Meeting: November 20, 2024

AGENDA 1. Call to order: 2. Introductions: 3.…