Grand Opening Keene Station of Feb. 24th from 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm

FACT TV, in cooperation with the city of Keene is proud to announce that we will be re-opening the local access station in town to operate a cable TV platform for residents and community organizations to communicate their ideas, thoughts, and opinions. We will provide training and support to every individual looking for a platform as a service to the local public. We look forward to providing studio space and technical assistance for everyone looking to have their message heard.

Falls Area Community Television is a non-profit Access Management Organization (AMO) dedicated to serving the public, educational and government sectors of our communities. FACT TV has existed since its humble beginnings working out of the Bellows Falls Union High School in 1978. It has continued to evolve and assumed its current iteration in 1998. Executive Director Alex Stradling, Technical and Programming Manager Collin Kimball, and Technical Assistant Amon Bingham currently staff the studio in Bellows Fall.

Managing Director Josh Morelli will run the new location. Once up and running, the new station will broadcast on spectrum channel 1301. This will coincide with our current broadcasts across channels 1082-1083 on Comcast and 172-173 on VTel where we will continue to serve Satxons River, Grafton, and the greater Rockingham region. All media will also continue to be streamed across Youtube, Facebook, and our website.

The mission of Falls Area Community Television is to provide everyone who walks through our doors the opportunity to produce and view fantastic local programming. Our goal is to provide the necessary knowledge and tools to help everyone with a project in mind and a strong desire to see it through. We will also be providing internships for local students looking for a chance to hone their skills and gain experience, as well as classes for residents who wish to learn the fundamentals of video editing and content creation.

Whether it’s signing up to start your own show, asking for help with an event you’d like filmed, renting equipment for your projects, or just stopping by to say hi and ask some questions. What it all boils down to is- we are here for you! Once open, we look forward to working with the city of Keene to provide a kind, caring, and professional environment for ideas to come to life.

If you’re curious about working with FACT or are interested in supporting and/or sponsoring us, we implore you to please reach out! You can reach us by phone at: (802) 463-1613 for the station in Bellows Falls. Or, (603) 903-0036 for the new station in Keene. You can also contact us by email at: or Once again, from all of us at FACT TV, we would like to say- we hope to see you soon!

On February 24th, the grand opening will be held inside the station at 60 Winters Street, beside the Library. Everyone who comes can tour the station and be shown the ins and outs of our services. Food and beverages will be provided. The event will begin at 1:00 pm and last until 6:00 pm. We encourage all to attend!