Other Public Access Stations
Brattleboro’s PEG access station.
625 Main Street-PO Box 4727
Bennington, VT 05201
Chittenden Community Television (CCTV)
294 North Winooski Ave
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 862-3966
Community Access Television (CATV)
JAM – Junction Arts & Media
5 S. Main Street, 1st Floor
White River Junction, VT 05001
(802) 295-6688
Greater Northshire Access TV (GNAT-TV)
PO Box 2168
Manchester Center, VT 05255
(802) 362-7070
Green Mountain Access Television (GMATV)
PO Box 581
Hyde Park, VT 05655
(802) 851.1592
Hardwick Community Television (HCTV)
P.O. Box 736,
Hardwick, VT 05843
(802) 472 6655
Kingdom Access TV (KATV)
515 Bay Street Suite 202
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
(802) 751-8103
Lake Champlain Access Television (LCATV)
354 Prim Road, Suite 3
Colchester, VT 05446
(802) 862-5724
Ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish Television (LPC-TV)
43 Main St.
Ludlow, VT 05149
(802) 228-8808
Ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish Television (LPC-TV)
43 Main St.
Ludlow, VT 05149
(802) 228-8808
Middlebury Community Television (MCTV)
75 Main Street
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-3062
Mt. Mansfield Community Television (MMCTV)
P.O. Box 688
Richmond, VT 05477
(802) 434-2550
Northeast Kingdom Television (NEKTV)
561 East Main Street
Newport, VT 05855
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 710
Newport, VT 05855
(802) 334-0264
Northwest Access Television (NWPEG-TV)
P.O. Box 468
St. Albans, VT 05478
(802) 527-6474
Onion River Community Access Media ( ORCA Media)
89 Main Street
City Center
Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 224 9901
Regional Education Technology Network (RETN)
76 King Street Fort Ethan- PO Box 2386
So. Burlington, 05446
(802) 654-7980
Rutland Community Access TV
Howe Center
1 Scale Avenue – Suite 108
Rutland, VT 05701
303 South Street
Springfield, VT 05156
(802) 885-6248
Vermont Community Access Media (VCAM)
208 Flynn Ave #2g
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 651-9692
Black Sheep Radio, a community FM station for the greater Bellows Falls region
Area Schools and Municipalities
Bellows Falls Union High School
406 High School Rd, Westminster, VT 05158
(802) 463-3944
Windham North East Supervisory Union
5111 US-5, Westminster, VT 05158
(802) 463-9958
Westminster Center School
301 School St, Westminster, VT 05158
(802) 722-3241
Grafton Elementary School
58 School St, Grafton, VT 05146
(802) 843-2495
Central Elementary School
50 School Street Ext, Bellows Falls, VT 05101
(802) 463-4346
Bellows Falls Middle School
15 School St, Bellows Falls, VT 05101
(802) 463-4366
Saxtons River Elementary School
15 School St, Saxtons River, VT 05154
(802) 869-2697
Town of Rockingham
PO Box 370
Bellows Falls, Vermont 05101
Town Offices at #7 in the Bellows Falls Village Square
(802) 463-3964
Town of Grafton
PO Box 180
117 Main Street Grafton, VT 05146
Town of Athens
25 Brookline Rd., Athens, VT 05143
(802) 869-3370
Town of Westminster
3651 US-5, Westminster, VT 05158
(802) 722-4255
Town of Brookline
736 Grassy Brook Rd, Brookline, VT 05345
(802) 365-4648
City of Keene
3 Washington St, Keene, NH 03431
(603) 357-9804
Resources for Public Access Stations
PEG Media
PegMedia.org is a media transfer site for PEG (Public, Education, Government) community television stations and producers of media for these stations. This site is an easy way for producers to make their programming known and available to many stations simultaneously and, at the same time, to give stations a wide variety of programming from which to choose.
Submitted by Mike Anderson