Help us grow!
Falls Area Community TV is a vital community resource dedicated to providing public access television to over 20,000 households in Vermont and New Hampshire. Our coverage extends to Bellows Falls, Rockingham, Westmister, Athens, Brookline, Grafton, and even Keene, NH, available on Comcast channels 1082 and 1083, VTel channels 172 and 173, and Spectrum channel 1301. We also have extensive reach on our website and social media platforms.
Our mission is to provide a platform and training free of charge for community members to share their voices and ideas through media. By partnering with us, you’ll not only have the opportunity to promote your brand, but you’ll also be making a positive impact in your community while gaining exposure and enhancing your brand image.
Contact us today to learn more about our sponsorship program and how we can help you promote your brand while contributing to our mission and goals.
$50/month or $400/year
By becoming a bronze sponsor, you’ll gain access to an excellent opportunity that will help your business reach a wider audience. We’ll showcase your brand through a slide – in either jpeg or png format – that will be displayed for 15 seconds in between programming on FACT’s cable TV channels. Don’t miss this chance to promote your business and stand out in the community
$100/month or $1,000/year
As a valued silver sponsor, we offer unparalleled exposure for your business through the broadcast of three eye-catching slides in between programming on our cable TV programs. We will also proudly feature your brand as the sponsor for any FACT TV sporting or live events that are streamed on our social media platforms and cable TV, allowing you to connect with a larger audience and increase brand visibility. And as a cherry on top, your business will be included in our monthly newsletter to our members, keeping you top-of-mind and cementing your place in the hearts of the community we serve.
$200/month or $2,000/year
You’ll not only gain access to the incredible benefits of bronze and silver packages but will also have the opportunity to showcase your business or organization through a 30-60 second video that will be aired in between programming on FACT’s cable TV programs. Additionally, we’re pleased to offer complimentary production services to create a free 30-60 second video that highlights your business or organization, providing a remarkable platform to reach a broader audience and elevate your brand image
Event Angel
In our service area, there are numerous community organizations that host remarkable events, but often lack the financial resources to sufficiently cover them. By becoming an Event Angel, you can assist these organizations in highlighting the valuable work they do for the community. In addition to receiving the benefits of each tier, you will also be the featured sponsor for every event that Falls Area Community TV covers in our service area! This sponsorship is $4000 a year.
Contact us today to learn more about our sponsorship program!
Alex Stradling
Executive Director, Falls Area Community TV
(802) 463-1613
Basic Limitations
Please be advised that the slides and videos aired on FACT’s cable channels are not intended as an advertisements. Please note that FACT is prohibited from displaying prices, sale information, or superlative statements in connection with the sponsorship program. However, your sponsorship will be acknowledged through a thank you message expressing our appreciation for your support of Public Access Television.
Please also note that while every effort will be made to ensure that your sponsorship is aired on our Bulletin Board, Falls Area Community Television cannot be held responsible for missed airtime due to technical difficulties on our cable or web channels. In the event of such difficulties, we will make every effort to make up the missed airtime, if possible.
Your sponsorship will air on our Bulletin Board during times when no scheduled programming is airing, unless you have specifically requested placement on our channels. Should you wish to make changes to your sponsorship, we are happy to accommodate your request.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any additional information or clarification regarding our sponsorship program.